FEATURE REQUEST: I've had some customers mention that when they purchased a ticket, they weren't sure if it was successful until they received the email. The ability to direct a customer to a custom 'thank you' page after the PayPal transaction would be a huge benefit, being able to give them an immediate reward, or some more information about the event, and show them that you are grateful for their business.
I've done some hooks to add additional information into that confirmation page you do get to. But agree that either a redirect, or 'more useful' thank you page, would probably be best.
FEATURE REQUEST: I've had some customers mention that when they purchased a ticket, they weren't sure if it was successful until they received the email. The ability to direct a customer to a custom 'thank you' page after the PayPal transaction would be a huge benefit, being able to give them an immediate reward, or some more information about the event, and show them that you are grateful for their business.