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Feature request - invoice information in attendee emails #189

Open JulienMelissas opened 6 years ago

JulienMelissas commented 6 years ago

This is a feature requested by @missjwo. We need to have more information available on our email receipts to make it easier for accounting, etc.

I realized today this wasn't going to 100% get done right now, so I wanted to outline requirements.

We need to add a checkbox to the ticket purchase form something like "I need a more official invoice" that has the following fields:

We will also need an Invoice # shortcode to use in email templates, which will be auto-generate from the event's name and then the ticket ID. Eg. WordCamp-US-2017/123.

This would allow us to use the following in email templates:

The current default single purchase receipt could then be changed to:

Tax ID: [buyer_tax_id]

You have purchased the following ticket on [ticket_purchase_date]:


Invoice #: [ticket_invoice_number]
Invoice Date: [ticket_purchase_date]

You can edit the information for the purchased ticket at any time before the event, by visiting the following link:


Let us know if you have any questions!

To those who might know a little more about requirements... does this look good?

iandunn commented 6 years ago

That sounds good to me. @missjwo, what do you think?

willybahuaud commented 6 years ago

Hi! I am waiting since three years for this feature :) I France, many attendees request an invoice after an event, to deduct participation costs from their business profit (which is taxable).

You can take a look at the conversion here:

For the WP Tech event, we also need this feature, so we built a plugin available on the plugin respository.

Camptix is missing some hooks to add checkbox fields after the attendees registration form, so… we added some fields in javascript 🙃. We dont understand why the first attendee on the form page is designated to receive the receipt (if there are multiple tickets, why the first attendee is the one who pay? And maybe his address is not the one needed on the invoice – the business address). A text field permit to specify another email, another address and name.

When working on our plugin, we thinked Invoices have to be stored as a separate CPT; in this way we can made custom invoices (like… for sponsors).

Please take a look and give me your feedback :)

iandunn commented 6 years ago

Related #103, #2992-meta

tfrommen commented 6 years ago

Hey there!

I am one of the organizers for the upcoming WordCamp Europe 2019 in Berlin, where I'm part of the Attendee Services team. We just had our kick-off meeting, and, of course, also talked about how to handle invoices for WordCamp tickets. Unsurprisingly, we soon agreed that this should be a part of CampTix itself, rather than being done elsewhere.

Now I found this issue (and others). So, I will go through the linked issues, posts and other discussions I can find, and play around with the plugin on a local install. I'll report back then.

It's interesting that this functionality has not yet been implemented, thinking about how many WordCamps have happened since when invoicing became possible. All of which require some kind of manual work. Work that could as well be automated.

Anyway, unless this cannot be a part of the plugin, I am positive we can and will help on this in the next couple months. 🙂