Automattic / hostmgr

A tool for managing macOS VM hosts
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Fix sync #20

Closed jkmassel closed 1 year ago

jkmassel commented 2 years ago

Fixes sync with better conditional checking.

To Test

spencertransier commented 2 years ago

@jkmassel Is there a good way for me to test this PR out?

jkmassel commented 2 years ago

@spencertransier – shoot sorry! Added a testing note in the PR description.

spencertransier commented 2 years ago

@jkmassel I'm seeing some errors when running that command. I'm not sure if it's something that needs to be fixed on our side or not since they're down in the async-http-client package. I see that we're pinning to an older version because it broke S3. They've released several new versions of the package since then, maybe we could try updating it again?

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 10 48 22 AM
spencer@16 ~/G/hostmgr (fix/vm-image-sync) [1]> swift run hostmgr sync authorized_keys
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:25:35: error: 'tls_protocol_version_t' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
        var nwTLSProtocolVersion: tls_protocol_version_t {
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:25:13: note: add @available attribute to enclosing property
        var nwTLSProtocolVersion: tls_protocol_version_t {
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:23:5: note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
    extension TLSVersion {
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:28:25: error: 'TLSv10' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
                return .TLSv10
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:28:25: note: add 'if #available' version check
                return .TLSv10
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:25:13: note: add @available attribute to enclosing property
        var nwTLSProtocolVersion: tls_protocol_version_t {
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:23:5: note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
    extension TLSVersion {
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:30:25: error: 'TLSv11' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
                return .TLSv11
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:30:25: note: add 'if #available' version check
                return .TLSv11
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:25:13: note: add @available attribute to enclosing property
        var nwTLSProtocolVersion: tls_protocol_version_t {
/Users/spencer/GitHub/hostmgr/.build/checkouts/async-http-client/Sources/AsyncHTTPClient/NIOTransportServices/TLSConfiguration.swift:23:5: note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
    extension TLSVersion {
[14/15] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient ConnectionPool.swift
error: fatalError
spencertransier commented 2 years ago

@jkmassel I tried updating to the current version (1.11.0) of async-http-client and confirmed that it did fix the issue I was seeing before by adding availability checks.

When I run swift run hostmgr sync authorized_keys, I get this error:

2022-07-19T17:01:18-0600 debug com.automattic.hostmgr : Downloading file from s3:///authorized_keys in us-east-1 to /Users/spencer/.ssh/authorized_keys
2022-07-19T17:01:18-0600 trace com.automattic.hostmgr : Job schedule allows for running
Using configurationFile to connect to AWS
Error: NoSuchBucket: The specified bucket does not exist

Do you remember if this was the same error you ran into when updating async-http-client last year?

spencertransier commented 1 year ago

@jkmassel CI is getting a couple errors on that last commit:

/usr/local/var/buildkite-agent/builds/builder/automattic/hostmgr/Sources/libhostmgr/CommandPolicy.swift:3:13: error: type 'CommandPolicy' does not conform to protocol 'Decodable'   | public enum CommandPolicy: Equatable, Codable {   | ^   | /usr/local/var/buildkite-agent/builds/builder/automattic/hostmgr/Sources/libhostmgr/CommandPolicy.swift:3:13: error: type 'CommandPolicy' does not conform to protocol 'Encodable'   | public enum CommandPolicy: Equatable, Codable {   | ^   | Swift.Decodable:2:5: note: protocol requires initializer 'init(from:)' with type '(from: Decoder)'   | init(from decoder: Decoder) throws   | ^   | Swift.Encodable:2:10: note: protocol requires function 'encode(to:)' with type '(Encoder) throws -> ()'   | func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws

Running the swift run hostmgr sync authorized_keys on my Mac with the latest commits pulled, I'm seeing this error:

ArgumentParser/Flag.swift:73: Fatal error:

Can't read a value from a parsable argument definition.

This error indicates that a property declared with an @Argument, @Option, @Flag, or @OptionGroup property wrapper was neither initialized to a value nor decoded from command-line arguments.

To get a valid value, either call one of the static parsing methods (parse, parseAsRoot, or main) or define an initializer that initializes every property of your parsable type.

jkmassel commented 1 year ago

@spencertransier / @crazytonyli – this should finally be ready for re-review! Thanks for the great feedback 🙇

spencertransier commented 1 year ago

(I shared this with @jkmassel on Slack but thought it could be useful to include here) I'm seeing this error when testing out hostmgr locally:

swift run hostmgr sync
Building for debugging...
Build complete! (0.80s)
Running authorized_keys
Error: The file “state” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.