Automattic / liveblog

Liveblogging done right. Using WordPress.
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Gutenberg integration #326

Open danielbachhuber opened 6 years ago

danielbachhuber commented 6 years ago

As a Liveblog user, it would be helpful if I could enable liveblog features while in the Gutenberg editor.

As of Liveblog 1.6, Gutenberg 1.9.1 and WordPress 4.9.1, no Liveblog metabox appears.

philipjohn commented 6 years ago

Thanks for raising this! It's been on my mind, and we've already begun playing around with Liveblog and Gutenberg to see what's involved in adding support. Based on that, we're aiming to add Gutenberg support to v1.9.

We're going to look at;

jrmd commented 6 years ago


I have recently started working on this and I have it available to view here:

Although it's not quite finished, it does work fine from my testing, but I believe it requires some tidying up.

If anyone would like to look through/fork it and make changes I'd be grateful.

Thanks, Jerome

danielbachhuber commented 6 years ago

@jrmd Up for sharing a short GIF or video to communicate how it looks?

jrmd commented 6 years ago

Hey @danielbachhuber

No problem, here is a small video of the implementation:

I thought all of the buttons made the block look quite large so i made it so they're only visible when you focus on the block.

jasonagnew commented 6 years ago

Just to outline how this works. Both the Gutenberg block and Classic editor Insert Liveblog button place a shortcode into the content, this is then used to output the markup that React hooks into. To support older posts which don't have the shortcode as they didn't need too due to the post content filter, a piece of post meta is added on liveblog posts created using the new button or block. If this meta is not there and the post is a liveblog then we run the old post content filter.

danielbachhuber commented 6 years ago

Interesting! Would it eventually make sense to display the actual liveblog within Gutenberg?