Automattic / msm-sitemap

Comprehensive sitemaps for your WordPress VIP site. Joint collaboration between, WordPress VIP, Alley Interactive, Maker Media, 10up, and others.
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lastmod time NOT in UTC #88

Closed kimcheung closed 7 years ago

kimcheung commented 7 years ago

<lastmod>2016-12-01T11:15:43Z</lastmod> The lastmod time is appended with 'Z' signifying it is the ISO-8601 UTC timestamp. However, it is NOT the UTC time, but in actuality, the local time.

This can be easily fixed by modifying line 430 in msm-sitemap.php from $url->addChild( 'lastmod', get_the_modified_date( 'Y-m-d' ) . 'T' . get_the_modified_date( 'H:i:s' ) . 'Z' ); to $url->addChild( 'lastmod', get_post_modified_time( 'Y-m-dTH:i:s', true ) );

mjangda commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report @kimcheung!