Automattic / node-canvas

Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS.
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canvas.node is not a valid Win32 application. #1597

Closed ShootDot closed 3 years ago

ShootDot commented 4 years ago

Issue or Feature

Everytime when I install canvas I get the error canvas.node is not a valid Win32 application.

zbjornson commented 4 years ago

This usually means you have mismatched node-canvas and Node.js architectures (32 vs. 64 bit).

Can you please post:

# in your shell
node -p "process.arch"


// save in a file and run with node
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const cnode = path.join(require.resolve("canvas"), "../build/Release/canvas.node");
const fd = fs.openSync(cnode);
const b = Buffer.alloc(4);
fs.readSync(fd, b, 0, 4, 60);
const pe_addr = b.readUInt32LE(0);
fs.readSync(fd, b, 0, 2, pe_addr + 4);
const type = b.readUInt16LE(0);

That will print one of the values here, which should be 8664 (64-bit) or 14c (32-bit).

(See also #1533, #1370.)

ShootDot commented 4 years ago

`const cnode = path.join(require.resolve("canvas"), "../build/Release/canvas.node"); ^

ReferenceError: path is not defined` @zbjornson

zbjornson commented 4 years ago

@aman78600 sorry, I missed a line. I edited my previous comment, can you try it again please?

ShootDot commented 4 years ago

image I got 8664 Now what should I do ? @zbjornson

zbjornson commented 4 years ago

Can you post node -p "process.arch" too please?

ShootDot commented 4 years ago

image Here you go

ShootDot commented 4 years ago

If you have discord please try to message me their. Thanks Shoot.Dot#0641

ShootDot commented 4 years ago

@zbjornson Please Help

zbjornson commented 4 years ago

Can you provide the info that was in the issue template please? (OS, Node.js version, Canvas version) Trying to run on WinXP is another possible cause. You can drop canvas.node into dependency walker to hopefully get a more useful error. This is tricky to troubleshoot.

ShootDot commented 4 years ago

I figured Out it I install Node Module Version 72 And reinstalled canvas by using the command npm i canvas and it does not show error anymore Thanks for your help

gislayer commented 3 years ago

@shootdot I have installed Node Module Version 72 ( v12.18.4) and I got 8664 and my Node is x64 but I still have an issue as like you. how did u fix this issue?

zbjornson commented 3 years ago

Closing because there's not enough info to troubleshoot. Please open a new issue if anyone is still having problems.

Samira-ABDI79 commented 10 months ago

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