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docs: Organize and expand contributing documentation #253

Closed dcalhoun closed 1 week ago

dcalhoun commented 1 week ago

Relates to p1718394299821639/1718026506.388569-slack-C06DRMD6VPZ.

Proposed Changes

Organize and expand documentation to capture helpful guidance and information for contributors.

Testing Instructions

Navigate various links found within the README file and other documentation files.

Pre-merge Checklist

dcalhoun commented 1 week ago

Merged these changes with the feedback and approval provided thus far. 🚀

For context and posterity, I completed this reorganization as I felt the README file reached a "tipping point" where it was quite verbose and unapproachable. The merged changes were inspired by WordPress/gutenberg's documentation.

That said, anyone should feel welcome to further critque and/or reorganize the documentation. Documentation organization and tone is always quite subjective. I welcome others to continue proposing changes, as any documentation needs to evolve alongside its project as the scope and complexity increases.