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Push Syndication and Events Manager #118

Open thomjob opened 8 years ago

thomjob commented 8 years ago

I am using Push Syndication for a couple sites and it is working fine with posts, but for some reason I cannot get my events (Events Manager) to syndicate from site 1 to site 2. The weird thing is that it appears that the events exist as the number of “published” events on the top of the page is 2 more than the number actually listed.

In the post types list on site 1 (syndicating from) "events" is listed and checked.

Anyone else run into something this?

philipjohn commented 7 years ago

To help with investigating this, could you explain the setup in more detail please?

For example, what events do you have set up? Are these separate WP sites, or two sites within the same multisite? Which Events Manager plugin are you using? What are your Syndication settings?
