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Syndication Loops #127

Open tomjn opened 7 years ago

tomjn commented 7 years ago

It's possible for loops to form resulting in duplication. For example:

philipjohn commented 7 years ago

Perhaps Alice could start a chain of shops?

More seriously - any thoughts about how to deal with this? In Syndication the two sites are not going to know about each other. Do we try to match content somehow? Perhaps look for content with the same title? What do we do if we find something?

joshbetz commented 7 years ago

I think @tomjn or someone had previously suggested setting post meta to signify that the post was created by Syndication.

tomjn commented 7 years ago


marcusquinn commented 6 years ago

Include the canonical link and content-hash created in the post meta. Then use that to decide on the origination authority and if the returned content has changed: