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Baskerville 2: Figcaptions have unneeded table-caption CSS added on Atomic sites. #767

Open joweber123 opened 5 years ago

joweber123 commented 5 years ago

Steps to replicate

1.) Create new post. 2.) Add an image block. 3.) Add a caption to this image within the block. 3.) Preview image.


Simple Site screenshot

Atomic Site screenshot

CSS which is added to Atomic Sites which is causing this and is missing from Simple Sites screenshot


Expected the theme to display the caption as display:block on both Simple and Atomic sites.
I am able to reproduce this on test sites as well.

edwinho89 commented 5 years ago

A user had just experienced this on Simple sites.

ticket: 2146150-zd

I've provider temporary CSS to user as workaround, however was not able to reproduce this on a test site I've made with Baskerville 2 theme.

eduardozulian commented 4 years ago

I was able to reproduce this on my test site, not Atomic, when adding an image and marking it as center-aligned.

Captura de Tela 2019-11-08 às 11 46 12

Note that this is also related to #1648

sophiegyo commented 4 years ago

I was able to reproduce this.


Theme is Baskerville 2. Site is Simple. The table-caption is messing with how the caption appears!