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fix: phpcs error parse issue by running phpcs in quiet mode #385

Open mi5t4n opened 9 months ago

mi5t4n commented 9 months ago

This PR fixes when the phpcs reports the errors but fails to parse the generated JSON errors, by adding -q argument to the phpcs command.


Currently, vip-go-ci is being used in the project's workflow. The workflow was succeeding even though phpcs was reporting errors and the workflow was also failing to add PR comments as well.


[ 2024-02-20T17:59:30+00:00 GMT -- 0 ]  "Running PHPCS now"; {
    "cmd": "php -d memory_limit=500M -d max_execution_time=300 \/home\/samplebot\/vip-go-ci-tools\/phpcs\/bin\/phpcs --severity='1' --report='json' --standard='\/home\/samplebot\/workspace\/phpcs.xml' --exclude='WordPress.Files.FileName' '\/tmp\/vipgoci-phpcs-scan-aaqkfY.php'"
[ 2024-02-20T17:59:31+00:00 GMT -- 0 ]  "Error when running PHPCS"; {
    "filename": "plugins\/sample-plugin\/inc\/classes\/class-plugin.php",
    "file_issues_str": "\u001b[31mE\u001b[0m 1 \/ 1 (100%)\n\n\n{\"totals\":{\"errors\":1,\"warnings\":0,\"fixable\":0},\"files\":{\"\\\/tmp\\\/vipgoci-phpcs-scan-aaqkfY.php\":{\"errors\":1,\"warnings\":0,\"messages\":[{\"message\":\"Mismatched text domain. Expected 'example' or 'example-plugin' but got 'johndoe'.\",\"source\":\"WordPress.WP.I18n.TextDomainMismatch\",\"severity\":5,\"fixable\":false,\"type\":\"ERROR\",\"line\":45,\"column\":26}]}}}",
    "issues_stats": null
[ 2024-02-20T17:59:31+00:00 GMT -- 0 ]  "Fetching file-contents from local Git repository"; {
    "repo_owner": "janedoe",
    "repo_name": "example",
    "commit_id": "<commit-id-1>",
    "filename": "plugins\/sample-plugin\/inc\/classes\/class-plugin.php",
    "local_git_repo": "\/home\/samplebot\/workspace"
[ 2024-02-20T17:59:31+00:00 GMT -- 0 ]  "Failed parsing output from PHPCS"; {
    "repo_owner": "janedoe",
    "repo_name": "example",
    "commit_id": "<commit-id-2>",
    "file_name": "plugins\/sample-plugin\/inc\/classes\/class-plugin.php",
    "file_issues_arr_master": null,
    "file_issues_str": "\u001b[31mE\u001b[0m 1 \/ 1 (100%)\n\n\n{\"totals\":{\"errors\":1,\"warnings\":0,\"fixable\":0},\"files\":{\"\\\/tmp\\\/vipgoci-phpcs-scan-aaqkfY.php\":{\"errors\":1,\"warnings\":0,\"messages\":[{\"message\":\"Mismatched text domain. Expected 'example' or 'example-plugin' but got 'johndoe'.\",\"source\":\"WordPress.WP.I18n.TextDomainMismatch\",\"severity\":5,\"fixable\":false,\"type\":\"ERROR\",\"line\":45,\"column\":26}]}}}"

As you can see, the phpcs is reporting errors but the errors parsing is failing, which resulted in no errors being reported.


The phpcs.xml configuration file has a configuration which show the progress of the phpcs scan.

<arg value="sp"/>


By adding -q to the phpcs command, we can override the behaviors and suppress the progress report, and fix the error parsing issue.


Closes: #384