Automattic / woocommerce-payments

Accept payments via credit card. Manage transactions within WordPress.
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Subscription created without payment method saved in some circumstances #3413

Open thracefulton opened 2 years ago

thracefulton commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

In 4531671-zen the merchant reports the following:

Reviewing one affected order (id 6575) shows multiple retry rule attempts created, no transactions attempted. Dubug logs for this order:

2021-11-19T14:03:17+00:00 INFO There was a problem updating the WCPay subscription in: Subscription does not contain a valid subscription ID. 2021-11-19T14:03:17+00:00 ERROR There is no saved payment token for order #6575 2021-11-19T14:48:55+00:00 INFO REQUEST GET

To Reproduce

It's unclear what the steps are to recreate this. A new test Subscription order was created and successfully paid with WC Pay.

Actual behavior


Expected behavior

  1. Renewal order created
  2. saved payment token processes renewal payment
  3. Subscription → Active, renewal order → Processing

Additional context

4531671-zen - ticket notes contain links to Stripe Connect account view

james-allan commented 2 years ago

INFO There was a problem updating the WCPay subscription in: Subscription does not contain a valid subscription ID

That error is caused by WCPay subscriptions code trying to update any subscription status in WC Pay, but the subscription doesn't contain WCPay Subscription ID eg they are using the plugin. We should remove these errors or at the very least suppress them on sites running the WC subscriptions plugin.

FWIW, it won't cause any errors or issues. This log entry is simply a debugging info log - it should just be targetted better.

cc @haszari

ERROR There is no saved payment token for order #6575

This one I'm not sure of, I don't think it relates to WCPay Subscriptions.

htdat commented 2 years ago

I am going to close this issue as it's being handled internally. p1637635450408400-slack-C7U3Y3VMY

Feel free to reopen it if necessary.

brucealdridge commented 2 years ago

Have looked through the API requests and found that setup_future_usage was set to null when the original payment intent was created. We never had access to the card and so renewals would fail.

This particular merchant has had successful subscriptions started before and after the given date.

More investigation is required to determine why setup_future_usage was set incorrectly.

jrick1229 commented 2 years ago

I saw the same issue in: 4560491-zd-woothemes

One thing I noticed in my case is that all of the parent orders had a $0 total. I wanted to mention that in case this could be the reason no payment method was chosen/stored in the subscription during its creation.

jrick1229 commented 2 years ago

^ furthering the above, I was able to find an example with a non-$0 parent order that also had the same issue, so we can assume that's not related.

brucealdridge commented 2 years ago

@jrick1229 I wonder if this is a duplicate of #2994

jrick1229 commented 2 years ago

It sounds like it could be @brucealdridge – but note that this does not happen with the Subscriptions functionality solely added from WooCommerce Payments. My example above uses WooCommerce Payments, but they also have WooCommerce Subscriptions installed.

jrick1229 commented 2 years ago

Another found: 4562169-zen

Oddly, these also started with a $0 payment, so that at the very least seems to be a pattern.

namiokuzono commented 2 years ago

I commented on the other issue thread #2994, but to note what @jrick1229 said, the customer for 4561824-zen has WC PAY + WC SUB. For anyone who's interested, I've shared a "workaround" in my reply to the ticket 4561824-zen that @nicdwilson had originally mentioned in 4370642-zen.

brucealdridge commented 2 years ago

It sounds like it could be @brucealdridge – but note that this does not happen with the Subscriptions functionality solely added from WooCommerce Payments. My example above uses WooCommerce Payments, but they also have WooCommerce Subscriptions installed.

This shouldn't make a difference. WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce Payments both share functionality. Anything subscriptions related in WooCommerce Payments will have the same code as in WooCommerce Subscriptions.

These issues may also be attributed to #3471

chickenn00dle commented 2 years ago

I did some more digging into this issue and while I wasn't able to reproduce, I did spend some time looking through the code and figured I'd share what I found:

For some reason, this is not being correctly set for some of this merchant's subscription transactions. My guess is something is going wrong in either maybe_prepare_subscription_payment_information or in the wc-woocommerce_payment-new_payment_method $_POST check. But it's hard to say without being able to reproduce.

Below is a redacted version of a request/response to and from server for the parent order of an affected subscription:

Request (Notice `setup_future_usage` is not set in request) ``` 2021-11-10T23:57:59+00:00 INFO REQUEST POST 2021-11-10T23:57:59+00:00 INFO BODY: array ( 'test_mode' => false, 'amount' => 3017.0, 'currency' => 'usd', 'metadata' => array ( 'customer_name' => '(redacted)', 'customer_email' => '(redacted)', 'site_url' => (redacted), 'order_id' => 6491, 'order_key' => 'wc_order_', 'payment_type' => 'WCPay\\Constants\\Payment_Type()', ), 'level3' => array ( 'merchant_reference' => '6491', 'customer_reference' => '6491', 'shipping_amount' => 0.0, 'line_items' => array ( 0 => 'stdClass()', ), 'shipping_from_zip' => (redacted), ), 'description' => 'Online Payment for Order #6491 for redacted', 'payment_method_types' => array ( 0 => 'card', ), 'payment_country' => 'US', 'customer' => 'cus_', ) ```
Response (Notice `setup_future_usage` is null) ``` 2021-11-10T23:58:00+00:00 INFO RESPONSE: array ( 'id' => 'pi_', 'object' => 'payment_intent', 'amount' => 3017, 'amount_capturable' => 0, 'amount_received' => 0, 'amount_subtotal' => 3017, 'application' => 'ca_', 'application_fee_amount' => 117, 'canceled_at' => NULL, 'cancellation_reason' => NULL, 'capture_method' => 'automatic', 'charges' => array ( 'object' => 'list', 'data' => array ( ), 'has_more' => false, 'total_count' => 0, 'url' => '/v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_', ), 'client_secret' => '(redacted)', 'confirmation_method' => 'automatic', 'created' => 1636588501, 'currency' => 'usd', 'customer' => 'cus_', 'description' => 'Online Payment for Order #6491 for redacted', 'invoice' => NULL, 'last_payment_error' => NULL, 'level3' => array ( 'customer_reference' => '6491', 'line_items' => array ( 0 => array ( 'discount_amount' => 0, 'product_code' => '2651', 'product_description' => 'Small Home', 'quantity' => 1, 'tax_amount' => 0, 'unit_cost' => 3017, ), ), 'merchant_reference' => '6491', 'shipping_amount' => 0, 'shipping_from_zip' => (redacted), ), 'livemode' => true, 'metadata' => array ( 'customer_name' => '(redacted)', 'customer_email' => '(redacted)', 'site_url' => (redacted), 'order_id' => '6491', 'order_key' => 'wc_order_', 'payment_type' => 'recurring', ), 'next_action' => NULL, 'on_behalf_of' => NULL, 'payment_method' => NULL, 'payment_method_options' => array ( 'card' => array ( 'installments' => NULL, 'network' => NULL, 'request_three_d_secure' => 'automatic', ), ), 'payment_method_types' => array ( 0 => 'card', ), 'receipt_email' => NULL, 'review' => NULL, 'setup_future_usage' => NULL, 'shipping' => NULL, 'source' => NULL, 'statement_descriptor' => NULL, 'statement_descriptor_suffix' => NULL, 'status' => 'requires_payment_method', 'total_details' => array ( 'amount_discount' => 0, 'amount_tax' => 0, ), 'transfer_data' => NULL, 'transfer_group' => NULL, 'fee_history' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'base', 'percentage_rate' => 0.029, 'fixed_rate' => 30, 'currency' => 'usd', ), ), ) 2021-11-10T23:58:03+00:00 INFO Begin processing UPE redirect payment for order 6491 for the amount of 30.17 ```
chickenn00dle commented 2 years ago

I've not been able to get to the bottom of this @thracefulton, but I did notice that this merchant is using WooCommerce All Products For Subscriptions, and their subscription products are actually all simple products with subscription plans. This may be irrelevant, but just thought it was worth noting.

It also looks like both WooCommerce All Products For Subscriptions and WooCommerce Payments have updates available. I realize the issue existed prior to these updates being available, but it's worth seeing if they are willing to update. It's possible whatever is causing this bug has since been resolved, which may be why we can't reproduce?

thracefulton commented 2 years ago

It also looks like both WooCommerce All Products For Subscriptions and WooCommerce Payments have updates available. I realize the issue existed prior to these updates being available, but it's worth seeing if they are willing to update. It's possible whatever is causing this bug has since been resolved, which may be why we can't reproduce?

Will do!

solstudioim commented 2 years ago

I've seen the same problem on 4609206-Zen

Some background information:

Every time a subscription product was purchased, a renewal order kept failing, in the log, the same sign appeared:

ERROR There is no saved payment token for order #XXXXX

They have a lot of plugins including a muti language plugin, and when I kept only minimal plugins including WooCommerce Payments and WC Subs, the problem wasn't reproducible anymore.

Markup 2021-12-19 at 16 36 37

AashikP commented 2 years ago

Another report in 5222639-zen

Here's how I could replicate this on my test JN site:

  1. Create a test JN site
  2. Access FTP and update wp-config.php to force site to use HTTP (also enable dev mode for WCPay):
define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
define('WP_HOME', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);

define( 'WCPAY_DEV_MODE', true );
  1. Configure WooCommerce + WooCommerce Payments - install WooCommerce Subscriptions as well

  2. Attempt to checkout a Subscription product to confirm everything is working as expected

  3. Access Payments > Settings and disable the Credit/Debit Card option


  4. Try to check out a Subscription product using a test card (This is possible due to this bug:

  5. Notice that the card is not saved in the Subscription:


haszari commented 2 years ago

force site to use HTTP

Thanks for documenting clear reproduce steps @AashikP ! 🙌

If this issue is only affecting sites that don't use HTTPS, I'd say this is an unsupported edge case, since WCPay requires an SSL certificate:

Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 7 29 54 AM

I see this issue has been previously closed (@htdat), maybe we can close this if it's due to no SSL.

We could also look at a follow up issue to add notices/warnings or possibly disable functionality if the site is not using HTTPS.

htdat commented 2 years ago

We could also look at a follow up issue to add notices/warnings or possibly disable functionality if the site is not using HTTPS.

Agreed this approach if we can replicate the issue.

nicholasjeberlin commented 2 years ago

User from 5222639-zen has come back after enabling HTTPS for their site and going through the process of creating a new subscription.

Unfortunately, the card did not save, so let's leave this open for now until we can narrow it down further.

AashikP commented 2 years ago

Just to add to @nicholasjeberlins comment, I tested my own site with the custom code to redirect to HTTP removed, to reconfirm the same behavior this user is seeing. No payment method saved.

anant1811 commented 2 years ago

Another one in #5205785-zen

johndcoy commented 2 years ago

@haszari & @chickenn00dle

In 5249701-zd I found that the subscriptions that failed as a result of ERROR There is no saved payment token for order #... also did not have a parent order assigned:

Screenshot Screenshot link:

We've tried canceling the existing renewal, assigning the parent order, and creating a new renewal order but the new renewal still fails. Although all of these subscriptions have a cost, I think @jrick1229 's find with a $0 order could be related?

imodouglas commented 2 years ago

Same in zen-5205785

theabhig commented 2 years ago

Just checking in again as the user in 5205785 is chasing for an update. @haszari or @chickenn00dle is there anything we can provide to the user in terms of an ETA or any sort of updates? Thanks :)

haszari commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the update @theabhig . Re-reading through the above comments, I'm not sure if we've managed to reproduce this issue yet - do you know if it's been reproduced on a test site (with https)?


@imodouglas Does this user have $0 initial payments? There are lots of details mentioned in previous comments that might be relevant. Perhaps this merchant's scenario will help us narrow down or reproduce.

@shendy-a8c (reviewer this week) – could you look at the more recent reports of this and try to reproduce on Jurassic Ninja (or other test environment)?

Thanks everyone :)

pehaa commented 2 years ago

Hey @haszari @imodouglas and @shendy-a8c I'm just checking if there is an update I could submit to the user (5205785). Have you been able to reproduce the issue? Thank you!

haszari commented 2 years ago

Thanks for checking @pehaa – no update as far as I'm aware, we still don't have reliable reproduce steps. If the merchant is still experiencing the issue, perhaps they could try to reproduce on a test site to isolate the issue (away from the production site).

haszari commented 2 years ago

Next steps here are to read through the discussion and update the description. In particular:

solstudioim commented 1 year ago

Got another similar case on 6356886-zd-woothemes; the merchant's subscription parent order doesn't have $0 though.

No related fatals.

solstudioim commented 8 months ago

Same like my previous comment, the test subscription product is 1 EURO: 7595069-zd-a8c

shaunkuschel commented 7 months ago

Another report of this on 7623512-zen. This merchant was able to resolve the issue by enabling the use of saved cards in the WooPayments settings. However, I was not able to replicate the issue on my test site while matching all of their Subscriptions and WooPayments settings.

imodouglas commented 5 months ago


chrism245 commented 4 months ago

Another one 81828650-zen. Parent order had a $0 total.

imodouglas commented 4 months ago

8066777-zen parent orders were paid but looks like the token was not saved.