Automattic / woocommerce-payments

Accept payments via credit card. Manage transactions within WordPress.
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Payments > Settings improvements #5372

Open aheckler opened 1 year ago

aheckler commented 1 year ago

Filing issues for some tweaks/improvements from this post: pbUcTB-1Rx-p2. These are all fairly small/easy changes (I think?), thus bundling them into this one issue.

screenshot-taken-on-2022-12-12-at-20 44 38-utc

htdat commented 1 year ago

I am self-assigning this issue for the cooldown week in Gamma sprint 2.

Update on Feb 28th: moving it back to Priority 3 (Medium).

jessy-p commented 5 months ago

This issue impacts Payments settings page, so assigning to Moltres (based on team responsibilities Pc2DNy-3z-p2) @daquinons. Assigning as part of Gamma Triage process PcreKM-yM-p2.

anu-rock commented 2 months ago

There are a host of proposed changes in this issue, mostly related to improving text copies on the Settings page. I see this as a quick win, so pulling in @rogermattic for design validation.

rogermattic commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the ping @anu-rock !

I'll go through the suggestions one by one cause it's easier:

In the General section, we should consider moving the “Enable WooCommerce Payments” checkbox and putting in the Advanced settings section instead, since it’s rare for merchants to have the plugin enabled but then need to disable WC Pay’s gateway.

It's a good suggestion but I think we should skip this one, especially in the light of the ongoing exploration work here: p6riRB-a76

Conversely, the Advanced settings section contains two items which are major selling points for WC Pay: subscriptions and multi-currency. We should consider moving them out of Advanced settings and into another section (maybe General) that’s visible by default.

Same as above, I think this deserves a little exploration, but it's such a great point! Moving it more to the top and this:

If we do keep them, the Subscriptions checkbox should mention additional fees.

aligns nicely with what we discussed about the Subscriptions here. Thanks for highlighting it @aheckler !

Side note: why do we allow subscriptions and multi-currency to be turned off even? If you don’t want to use multi-currency, just don’t add any currencies. If you don’t want to use the subs functions, don’t add any subscription products? Just a thought.

Good question! Maybe for visibility of the features? I'd open it for more discussion.

I'll address the following in my next design iteration (after this one p6riRB-a76):

The copy under General could also include a link to the Settings Guide. Proposed text: "Enable or disable WooCommerce Payments and test mode. Learn more in our Settings Guide." The Payments accepted on checkout section could use a link to the fees doc, since hovering over the pills on the right side is not very intuitive. Could also link to Payment Methods doc. Proposed text: "Manage the payment methods available for customers during checkout. Learn more or see our fees."

I think this is a great improvement:

The Express checkouts copy could be adjusted slightly to be more relevant. Proposed text: "Allow customers to use faster payment methods, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, to increase conversions and boost sales."

The copy is nice and direct..IMO this could be worked on immediately!

Transactions section could link to the auth/capture doc under that setting. (Though we also propose moving it under Advanced settings.) Proposed text: Authorize payments on checkout and manually capture charges later. This does not apply to in-person payments. Learn more.


Deposits section has different copy for each selectable frequency. Why not consolidate and keep the copy the same, since e.g. the warning about holidays applies to all of the frequencies? GIF below. Proposed text: "Deposits that fall on a weekend or holiday will initiate on the next business day."

This probably also deserves a little design exploration, I'm open to do it but will leave the decision to @elizaan36 and @nikkivias (who leads the future Settings redesign) whether it's worth touching it now.

For the bank statement setting, we could include a link to this doc (suggestions for the descriptor) and this one (how to change business name / DBA). Proposed text: "Edit the name that appears on your customers’ bank statements. Learn more about our guidelines, and how to change your business name."

This looks like a great improvement and IMO this could be worked on immediately!

WDYT @elizaan36 and @nikkivias ?

elizaan36 commented 2 months ago

Thank you for surfacing this list! It was lost in the bottom of my design backlog. Such great suggestions and +1 on everything you've shared @rogermattic.

We can collaborate on this since I believe @nikkivias is more focused on the future state plugin settings now. What are the immediate quick wins that we can pull from here that don't require any further design exploration? Maybe create a new issue for interim state improvements.

elizaan36 commented 2 months ago

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nikkivias commented 1 month ago

Thanks for this comprehensive list, I'm sorry I missed it until now. I'm iterating on the design and will 100% be considering all of the above.

rogermattic commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for replying here @nikkivias – just as this was on my reference list for the project, I wanted to make sure I handed this over to you too <3