Automattic / woocommerce-payments

Accept payments via credit card. Manage transactions within WordPress.
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Rounding problems with Level 3 data when using Product AddOns #9114

Open peterfabian opened 2 months ago

peterfabian commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

When testing, I noticed that I can't check out because of the following error:

Invalid level3: pricing must be consistent. Sum(unit_cost * quantity + tax_amount - discount_amount) + shipping_amount != total charged. In this case, 24411 != 24410. (invalid_request_error)
2024-07-17T13:12:38+00:00 Info Level3 data error: 
Error: Invalid level3: pricing must be consistent. Sum(unit_cost * quantity + tax_amount - discount_amount) + shipping_amount != total charged. In this case, 24411 != 24410.

This is happening also with vanilla WooPayments without #9070 applied according to our testing.

To Reproduce

Not sure if this is the minimal example, but I think this should display the same behavior:

  1. Install WooPayments & Product AddOns
  2. Create a Simple Product, price = $21.
  3. Go to Product Data > Add-Ons.
  4. Create a 'Short text' add-on.
  5. Enable Adjust price and set it to Flat fee, e.g. $10.
  6. Add the product to the cart with the addon, use quantity = 3.
  7. The total in the cart should be 21 * 3 + 10 = 73.
  8. However, 73/3 = 24.33333333, so unit cost will be 2433 and 2433 * 3 = 7299 != 7300.
  9. Get the Level 3 data error and can't check out.
  10. Also, the error message is cryptic:

Error: The provided PaymentMethod was previously used with a PaymentIntent without Customer attachment, shared with a connected account without Customer attachment, or was detached from a Customer. It may not be used again. To use a PaymentMethod multiple times, you must attach it to a Customer first.

Actual behavior

Unable to check out


This is the same problem with a more elaborate add-on setup:

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 08 41 23

Expected behavior

I was expecting being able to check out.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context

Error log below:

``` 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info ENVIRONMENT: array ( 'WP_User' => 'demo', 'HTTP_REFERER' => '', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/wp-json/wc/store/v1/checkout?_locale=user', 'DOING_AJAX' => false, 'DOING_CRON' => false, 'WP_CLI' => false, ) 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info REQUEST POST 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info HEADERS: array ( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent' => 'WooCommerce Payments/7.8.1', 'Idempotency-Key' => 'b315ce5a-209a-4952-8553-00a9fba80b22', ) 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info BODY: array ( 'test_mode' => true, 'name' => '(redacted)', 'description' => 'Name: Jason Kytros, Username: demo', 'email' => '(redacted)', 'phone' => '(redacted)', 'address' => array ( 'line1' => '(redacted)', 'line2' => '(redacted)', 'postal_code' => '(redacted)', 'city' => '(redacted)', 'state' => '(redacted)', 'country' => '(redacted)', ), 'shipping' => array ( 'name' => '(redacted)', 'address' => array ( 'line1' => '(redacted)', 'line2' => '(redacted)', 'postal_code' => '(redacted)', 'city' => '(redacted)', 'state' => '(redacted)', 'country' => '(redacted)', ), ), ) 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info RESPONSE: array ( 'id' => 'cus_QRQT3cMHddrF94', 'object' => 'customer', 'address' => array ( 'city' => '(redacted)', 'country' => '(redacted)', 'line1' => '(redacted)', 'line2' => '(redacted)', 'postal_code' => '(redacted)', 'state' => '(redacted)', ), 'balance' => 0, 'created' => 1720506840, 'currency' => NULL, 'default_currency' => NULL, 'default_source' => NULL, 'delinquent' => false, 'description' => 'Name: Jason Kytros, Username: demo', 'discount' => NULL, 'email' => '(redacted)', 'invoice_prefix' => '2AC9F430', 'invoice_settings' => array ( 'custom_fields' => NULL, 'default_payment_method' => NULL, 'footer' => NULL, 'rendering_options' => NULL, ), 'livemode' => false, 'metadata' => 'stdClass()', 'name' => '(redacted)', 'next_invoice_sequence' => 1, 'phone' => '(redacted)', 'preferred_locales' => array ( ), 'shipping' => array ( 'address' => array ( 'city' => '(redacted)', 'country' => '(redacted)', 'line1' => '(redacted)', 'line2' => '(redacted)', 'postal_code' => '(redacted)', 'state' => '(redacted)', ), 'name' => '(redacted)', 'phone' => '(redacted)', ), 'tax_exempt' => 'none', 'test_clock' => NULL, ) 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info ENVIRONMENT: array ( 'WP_User' => 'demo', 'HTTP_REFERER' => '', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/wp-json/wc/store/v1/checkout?_locale=user', 'DOING_AJAX' => false, 'DOING_CRON' => false, 'WP_CLI' => false, ) 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info REQUEST POST 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info HEADERS: array ( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent' => 'WooCommerce Payments/7.8.1', 'Idempotency-Key' => 'aa1f4907-3486-482f-a4eb-f287325c6677', ) 2024-07-17T13:12:36+00:00 Info BODY: array ( 'test_mode' => true, 'confirm' => 'true', 'capture_method' => 'automatic', 'is_platform_payment_method' => 'true', 'woopay_has_subscription' => false, 'save_payment_method_to_platform' => false, 'amount' => 24410, 'currency' => 'gbp', 'payment_method' => 'pm_1PdXeoFuiXB5oUVxqGWz1S4j', 'customer' => 'cus_QRQT3cMHddrF94', 'metadata' => array ( 'customer_name' => '(redacted)', 'customer_email' => '(redacted)', 'site_url' => '', 'order_id' => 34, 'order_number' => '34', 'order_key' => 'wc_order_IE8cK3v6Dip3q', 'payment_type' => 'WCPay\\Constants\\Payment_Type()', 'checkout_type' => 'store-api', 'client_version' => '7.8.1', 'subscription_payment' => 'no', 'fraud_prevention_data_shopper_ip_hash' => '00a22165d1acc0868df0afa51b3dc2e3fab7b03a71d96804d3da4ff95b75dfd21d038c02a20e5d36f67baa4925f6a0b3aa1230a09c508590b4af9ea2404961e2', 'fraud_prevention_data_shopper_ua_hash' => '8b0231e90cc69a1e4e8d184cb5bc9d70', 'fraud_prevention_data_ip_country' => 'SE', 'fraud_prevention_data_cart_contents' => 3, 'fraud_prevention_data_available' => true, ), 'description' => 'Online Payment for Order #34 for blog_id 234929657', 'level3' => array ( 'merchant_reference' => '34', 'customer_reference' => '34', 'shipping_amount' => 0, 'line_items' => array ( 0 => 'stdClass()', ), 'shipping_address_zip' => '94110', ), 'payment_method_types' => array ( 0 => 'card', ), 'cvc_confirmation' => NULL, ) 2024-07-17T13:12:38+00:00 Info Invalid level3: pricing must be consistent. Sum(unit_cost * quantity + tax_amount - discount_amount) + shipping_amount != total charged. In this case, 24411 != 24410. (invalid_request_error) 2024-07-17T13:12:38+00:00 Info Level3 data error: Error: Invalid level3: pricing must be consistent. Sum(unit_cost * quantity + tax_amount - discount_amount) + shipping_amount != total charged. In this case, 24411 != 24410. Level 3 data sent: Array ( [merchant_reference] => 34 [customer_reference] => 34 [shipping_amount] => 0 [line_items] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [product_code] => 25 [product_description] => Simple test pf 2024-07-19 [unit_cost] => 8137 [quantity] => 3 [tax_amount] => 0 [discount_amount] => 0 ) ) [shipping_address_zip] => 94110 ) 2024-07-17T13:12:38+00:00 Info ENVIRONMENT: array ( 'WP_User' => 'demo', 'HTTP_REFERER' => '', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/wp-json/wc/store/v1/checkout?_locale=user', 'DOING_AJAX' => false, 'DOING_CRON' => false, 'WP_CLI' => false, ) 2024-07-17T13:12:38+00:00 Info REQUEST POST 2024-07-17T13:12:38+00:00 Info HEADERS: array ( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent' => 'WooCommerce Payments/7.8.1', 'Idempotency-Key' => 'd9aa61d6-ca7b-4a3f-b54a-0e95132b3f29', ) 2024-07-17T13:12:38+00:00 Info BODY: array ( 'test_mode' => true, 'confirm' => 'true', 'capture_method' => 'automatic', 'is_platform_payment_method' => 'true', 'woopay_has_subscription' => false, 'save_payment_method_to_platform' => false, 'amount' => 24410, 'currency' => 'gbp', 'payment_method' => 'pm_1PdXeoFuiXB5oUVxqGWz1S4j', 'customer' => 'cus_QRQT3cMHddrF94', 'metadata' => array ( 'customer_name' => '(redacted)', 'customer_email' => '(redacted)', 'site_url' => '', 'order_id' => 34, 'order_number' => '34', 'order_key' => 'wc_order_IE8cK3v6Dip3q', 'payment_type' => 'WCPay\\Constants\\Payment_Type()', 'checkout_type' => 'store-api', 'client_version' => '7.8.1', 'subscription_payment' => 'no', 'fraud_prevention_data_shopper_ip_hash' => '00a22165d1acc0868df0afa51b3dc2e3fab7b03a71d96804d3da4ff95b75dfd21d038c02a20e5d36f67baa4925f6a0b3aa1230a09c508590b4af9ea2404961e2', 'fraud_prevention_data_shopper_ua_hash' => '8b0231e90cc69a1e4e8d184cb5bc9d70', 'fraud_prevention_data_ip_country' => 'SE', 'fraud_prevention_data_cart_contents' => 3, 'fraud_prevention_data_available' => true, ), 'description' => 'Online Payment for Order #34 for blog_id 234929657', 'payment_method_types' => array ( 0 => 'card', ), 'cvc_confirmation' => NULL, ) 2024-07-17T13:12:38+00:00 Info The provided PaymentMethod was previously used with a PaymentIntent without Customer attachment, shared with a connected account without Customer attachment, or was detached from a Customer. It may not be used again. To use a PaymentMethod multiple times, you must attach it to a Customer first. (invalid_request_error) 2024-07-17T13:12:47+00:00 Info ENVIRONMENT: array ( 'WP_User' => 'demo', 'HTTP_REFERER' => '--', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'WordPress/6.6;', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=as_async_request_queue_runner&nonce=a3d5af65f0', 'DOING_AJAX' => true, 'DOING_CRON' => false, 'WP_CLI' => false, ) 2024-07-17T13:12:47+00:00 Info REQUEST POST 2024-07-17T13:12:47+00:00 Info HEADERS: array ( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent' => 'WooCommerce Payments/7.8.1', 'Idempotency-Key' => 'af03462f-7786-4fa0-83f4-c00cd337869a', ) 2024-07-17T13:12:47+00:00 Info BODY: array ( 'test_mode' => true, 'order_data' => array ( 'id' => 34, 'parent_id' => 0, 'status' => 'failed', 'currency' => 'GBP', 'version' => '9.0.2', 'prices_include_tax' => false, 'date_created' => 'WC_DateTime()', 'date_modified' => 'WC_DateTime()', 'discount_total' => '0', 'discount_tax' => '0', 'shipping_total' => '0', 'shipping_tax' => '0', 'cart_tax' => '0', 'total' => '244.10', 'total_tax' => '0', 'customer_id' => 1, 'order_key' => 'wc_order_IE8cK3v6Dip3q', 'billing' => array ( 'first_name' => '(redacted)', 'last_name' => '(redacted)', 'company' => '(redacted)', 'address_1' => '(redacted)', 'address_2' => '(redacted)', 'city' => '(redacted)', 'state' => '(redacted)', 'postcode' => '(redacted)', 'country' => '(redacted)', 'email' => '(redacted)', 'phone' => '(redacted)', ), 'shipping' => array ( 'first_name' => '(redacted)', 'last_name' => '(redacted)', 'company' => '(redacted)', 'address_1' => '(redacted)', 'address_2' => '(redacted)', 'city' => '(redacted)', 'state' => '(redacted)', 'postcode' => '(redacted)', 'country' => '(redacted)', 'phone' => '(redacted)', ), 'payment_method' => 'woocommerce_payments', 'payment_method_title' => 'Credit card / debit card', 'transaction_id' => '', 'customer_ip_address' => '', 'customer_user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'created_via' => 'store-api', 'customer_note' => '', 'date_completed' => NULL, 'date_paid' => NULL, 'cart_hash' => '4724eb05c6769fba4bfe89f91ecee097', 'order_stock_reduced' => false, 'download_permissions_granted' => false, 'new_order_email_sent' => false, 'recorded_sales' => false, 'recorded_coupon_usage_counts' => false, 'number' => '34', 'meta_data' => array ( 0 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 1 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 2 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 3 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 4 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 5 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 6 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 7 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 8 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 9 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 10 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 11 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 12 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 13 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 14 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 15 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 16 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 17 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 18 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', 19 => 'WC_Meta_Data()', ), 'line_items' => array ( 621 => 'WC_Order_Item_Product()', ), 'tax_lines' => array ( ), 'shipping_lines' => array ( 622 => 'WC_Order_Item_Shipping()', ), 'fee_lines' => array ( ), 'coupon_lines' => array ( ), '_payment_method_id' => 'pm_1PdXeoFuiXB5oUVxqGWz1S4j', '_stripe_customer_id' => 'cus_QRQT3cMHddrF94', '_wcpay_mode' => 'test', ), 'update' => false, ) 2024-07-17T13:12:47+00:00 Info RESPONSE: array ( 'result' => 'error', ) ```
jimjasson commented 2 months ago

Worth surfacing that:

I wasn't able to check out with product qty > 1 due to the rounding problem with Level 3 data, but I will create a separate issue for that, since it seems that this problem also happens with the latest stable WooPayments.

Even though this issue was discovered via testing, we could replicate this issue with the previous stable WooPayments version as well.

peterfabian commented 2 months ago

Good point, thanks @jimjasson , updated the description.