Automattic / woocommerce-payments

Accept payments via credit card. Manage transactions within WordPress.
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[GlobalStep] Popup window for "You're ready to sell" fails to display after clicking "Agree and submit" button on "Payments > Overview" page. #9291

Open gglobalstep opened 3 weeks ago

gglobalstep commented 3 weeks ago

Bug Description:

Popup window for "You're ready to sell" fails to display after clicking "Agree and submit" button on "Payments > Overview" page.

Related Slack thread: p1724164066944209-slack-C011ENB20Q1


Woocommerce Version: WooCommerce 9.2.0-rc.1 WooCommerce Payments: 8.1.0-test-3 WordPress version: v6.6.1

PC: Windows 10, Chrome(Version 127.0.6533.120) Firefox (Version 129.0.1)

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Create any test site.
  2. Install and activate all the required plugins.
  3. Install and activate Woocommerce Plugin
  4. Click on "Skip guided setup" when redirected to the WooCommerce setup wizard
  5. Choose "United States" as your business location (the region doesn't matter) and click on "Go to my store".
  6. Go to Plugins > Add New on your WordPress site. Click on Upload plugin and upload the current WooPayments testing plugin .zip file. Activate the installed WooPayments plugin.
  7. Install and activate the WooPayments Dev Tools plugin (link to latest zip) and make sure that Enable the WCPay dev mode is checked in the WCPay Dev Tools settings.
  8. Click on the Payments menu item to go to the Payments Connect page. Make sure you see a notice that "Sandbox mode is enabled, only test accounts will be created."
  9. Click on the Connect your store button and you should be asked to connect your site to your account (you may need to login and/or create a account)
  10. Once you approved your site WPCOM connection, you will be redirected to the WooPayments setup wizard.
  11. You should now see the step asking for business details, such as country, business type and business industry. Some fields might be prefilled. Fill in all the fields and make sure that for the business legal structure field (labeled What type of legal entity is your business?) you choose the Individual select option. Click on Continue.
  12. You should now see the final step of the wizard asking for an estimated annual Ecommerce revenue and timeline for taking your store live. Choose the Less than 250k option for the select field labeled with What is your estimated annual Ecommerce revenue (USD)?, and Within 1 month for the select field labeled with What is the estimated timeline for taking your store live?. Click on Continue.
  13. You should see a loading step and then be redirected to the Stripe KYC.
  14. Don't finish the Stripe KYC process, but exit it early by clicking "Return to WooPayments".
  15. You will be redirected to the Payments Connect page with a notice about needing to "complete your WooPayments setup". Click on "Finish business details verifications" and you will be redirected to the Stripe KYC again.
  16. In the Stripe KYC, you should only be asked about a few personal details (legal name, email, and date of birth). Provide these details.
  17. Click on Continue, and you will be taken directly to the last step of the Stripe KYC with an Agree and submit button. You should not be required to provide bank account details or other documents, even if on "Payout details" it might say "Information required" for the bank account.
  18. Click on the Agree and submit button, and you will be redirected to the Payments > Overview page (with the menu 'Payments' active).
  19. Observe that, Popup window for "You're ready to sell" fails to display after clicking "Agree and submit" button on "Payments > Overview" page.

Instruction Link:


Both Payments and Deposits are enabled after clicking "Agree and submit" button when bank account details or other documents filling is skipped during Stripe KYC flow.

Actual Result:

Popup window for "You're ready to sell" fails to display after clicking "Agree and submit" button on "Payments > Overview" page.

Expected Result:

Popup window for "You're ready to sell" should be displayed after clicking "Agree and submit" button on "Payments > Overview" page.


Isolating the problem (mark completed items with an [x]):

System Status Report ``` ### WordPress Environment ### WordPress address (URL): [Redacted] Site address (URL): [Redacted] WC Version: 9.2.0-rc.1-pulls-378-371-367-339-326 Legacy REST API Package Version: The Legacy REST API plugin is not installed on this site. Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.8.1 Log Directory Writable: ✔ WP Version: 6.6.1 WP Multisite: – WP Memory Limit: 512 MB WP Debug Mode: ✔ WP Cron: ✔ Language: en_US External object cache: ✔ ### Server Environment ### Server Info: nginx PHP Version: 8.1.29 PHP Post Max Size: 2 GB PHP Time Limit: 1200 PHP Max Input Vars: 6144 cURL Version: 8.7.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1w SUHOSIN Installed: – MySQL Version: 10.6.15-MariaDB-log Max Upload Size: 2 GB Default Timezone is UTC: ✔ fsockopen/cURL: ✔ SoapClient: ✔ DOMDocument: ✔ GZip: ✔ Multibyte String: ✔ Remote Post: ✔ Remote Get: ✔ ### Database ### [REDACTED] ### Post Type Counts ### attachment: 1 page: 7 post: 2 ### Security ### Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔ Hide errors from visitors: ✔ ### Active Plugins (5) ### Query Monitor: by John Blackbourn – 3.16.4 Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection: by Automattic - Anti-spam Team – 5.3.3 WooCommerce Payments Dev Tools: by Automattic – WooPayments: by WooCommerce – 8.1.0-test-3 WooCommerce: by Automattic – 9.2.0-rc.1-pulls-378-371-367-339-326 ### Inactive Plugins (0) ### ### Dropin Plugins () ### advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php db.php: Query Monitor Database Class (Drop-in) object-cache.php: Memcached ### Must Use Plugins (1) ### load.php: by – ### Settings ### Legacy API Enabled: – Force SSL: – Currency: USD ($) Currency Position: left Thousand Separator: , Decimal Separator: . Number of Decimals: 2 Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external) grouped (grouped) simple (simple) variable (variable) Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog) exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search) featured (featured) outofstock (outofstock) rated-1 (rated-1) rated-2 (rated-2) rated-3 (rated-3) rated-4 (rated-4) rated-5 (rated-5) Connected to – Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: ✔ HPOS feature enabled: ✔ Order datastore: Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\OrdersTableDataStore HPOS data sync enabled: – ### Logging ### Enabled: ✔ Handler: Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Logging\LogHandlerFileV2 Retention period: 30 days Level threshold: – Log directory size: 360 KB ### WC Pages ### Shop base: #7 - /shop/ Cart: #8 - /cart/ - Contains the woocommerce/cart block Checkout: #9 - /checkout/ - Contains the woocommerce/checkout block My account: #10 - /my-account/ Terms and conditions: ❌ Page not set ### Theme ### Name: Twenty Twenty-Four Version: 1.2 Author URL: Child Theme: ❌ – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme WooCommerce Support: ❌ Not declared ### Templates ### Overrides: /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/block-notices/error.php /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/block-notices/notice.php /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/block-notices/success.php ### WooPayments ### Version: 8.1.0-test-3 Connected to WPCOM: Yes WPCOM Blog ID: 236181415 Account ID: acct_1Ppr2sCHsIQllcEc Payment Gateway: Enabled Test Mode: Enabled Enabled APMs: card WooPay: Enabled (product,cart,checkout) WooPay Incompatible Extensions: No Apple Pay / Google Pay: Enabled (product,cart,checkout) Fraud Protection Level: basic Multi-currency: Enabled Auth and Capture: Enabled Documents: Disabled Logging: Enabled ### Admin ### Enabled Features: activity-panels analytics product-block-editor coupons core-profiler customize-store customer-effort-score-tracks import-products-task experimental-fashion-sample-products shipping-smart-defaults shipping-setting-tour homescreen marketing mobile-app-banner navigation onboarding onboarding-tasks pattern-toolkit-full-composability product-custom-fields remote-inbox-notifications remote-free-extensions payment-gateway-suggestions printful shipping-label-banner subscriptions store-alerts transient-notices woo-mobile-welcome wc-pay-promotion wc-pay-welcome-page launch-your-store Disabled Features: experimental-blocks minified-js product-pre-publish-modal settings async-product-editor-category-field product-editor-template-system Daily Cron: ❌ Not scheduled Options: ✔ Notes: 60 Onboarding: skipped ### Action Scheduler ### Complete: 2 Oldest: 2024-08-20 12:15:58 +0000 Newest: 2024-08-20 12:15:58 +0000 Pending: 1 Oldest: 2024-08-21 12:15:58 +0000 Newest: 2024-08-21 12:15:58 +0000 ### Status report information ### Generated at: 2024-08-20 15:42:05 +00:00 ```
dmallory42 commented 3 weeks ago

Noting that this bug seems to refer specifically to Progressive Onboarding scenarios - that's the only context we show this "Ready to sell" modal.