WooCommerce Services is a feature plugin that integrates hosted services into WooCommerce (3.0+), and currently includes automated tax rates and the ability to purchase and print USPS shipping labels.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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PHP Fatal Error: Cannot call constructor in woocommerce-services/2.4.2/classes/wc-api-dev/class-wc-rest-dev-data-continents-controller.php #2714
Upon review I'm showing that the WC_REST_Dev_Data_Continents_Controller class is attempting to callconstruct on a parent class that does not define a construct method.
PHP classes don't have default constructors, as such the call to parent::__construct needs to be removed.
On the WP.cloud platform we are seeing fatal errors caused by woocommerce-services 24.2
Upon review I'm showing that the WC_REST_Dev_Data_Continents_Controller class is attempting to call construct on a parent class that does not define a construct method.
PHP classes don't have default constructors, as such the call to parent::__construct needs to be removed.