Automattic / woocommerce-subscriptions-core

Subscriptions core package for WooCommerce
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Filter: wcs_additional_related_order_relation_types doesn't work? #545

Closed ChadReitsma closed 3 months ago

ChadReitsma commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

I'm trying to add a custom order relation type: "weekly" using the filter: wcs_additional_related_order_relation_types located in WCS_Related_Order_Store

Looks like it's casting/expecting an array, so my filter looks like this:

add_filter('wcs_additional_related_order_relation_types', 'modd_related_order_relation_types');
function modd_related_order_relation_types($types) {
    $types['weekly'] = 1;
    return $types; 

I am cloning an order, and then attempting to create the relationship by instantiating the WCS_Related_Order_Store_CPT class (which extends the abstract class above) with:

$order_relation = new WCS_Related_Order_Store_CPT();
$order_relation->add_relation( $order, $subscription, 'weekly' ); 

Throws: Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Invalid relation type: weekly. Order relationship type must be one of: renewal, switch, resubscribe.

What am I doing wrong???

To Reproduce

  1. Add the filter above
  2. Obtain a WC order programatically with wc_get_order()
  3. Obtain a WCS object with wcs_get_subscriptions()
  4. Instantiate WCS_Related_Order_Store_CPT
  5. Attempt to create a relationship with the custom relationship type which we added with the filter in step 1.

Expected behavior

The relationship should be created with the custom type we added with the filter!

Actual behavior

Throws a fatal error, saying that Order relationship type must be one of: renewal, switch, resubscribe.

Product impact

Woocommerce Subscriptions

ChadReitsma commented 4 months ago


mattallan commented 3 months ago

Hey @ChadReitsma, the wcs_additional_related_order_relation_types filter expects an array formatted like:

    [0] => custom_relation_type

So you just need to change your filter slightly. Here's your snippet updated to use the correct format:

add_filter( 'wcs_additional_related_order_relation_types', 'modd_related_order_relation_types' );
function modd_related_order_relation_types( $types ) {
    $types[] = 'weekly';
    return $types; 

I've tested this using the following snippet and confirmed it's working:

add_filter( 'wcs_additional_related_order_relation_types', 'modd_related_order_relation_types' );
function modd_related_order_relation_types( $types ) {
    $types[] = 'weekly';
    return $types; 

add_action( 'admin_footer', function() {
    $order          = wc_get_order( 87775 );
    $subscription   = wcs_get_subscription( 87776 );
    $order_relation = new WCS_Related_Order_Store_CPT();

    $order_relation->add_relation( $order, $subscription, 'weekly' ); 
} );
ChadReitsma commented 3 months ago

Thanks Matt but it's still not working for me.

I'm trying to do this with a new WC_Order object (after checkout), we create some duplicate orders with some code like:

$order = wc_create_order([]); .... $order->save();

$order_relation = new WCS_Related_Order_Store_CPT(); $order_relation->add_relation( $order, $subscription, 'weekly' );

Still getting the error: Invalid relation type: weekly. Order relationship type must be one of: renewal, switch, resubscribe.

ChadReitsma commented 3 months ago

Had to put the filter in an mu-plugin, then it showed up with:

$order_relation = new WCS_Related_Order_Store_CPT(); print_r($order_relation->get_relation_types());

Array ( [0] => renewal [1] => switch [2] => resubscribe [3] => weekly )

But now they're not showing up in the related orders table. I'll keep trying.

ChadReitsma commented 3 months ago

I also needed to store the _relationship meta value, and add a filter for the related orders table in admin.

Here's my code for anyone that stumbles upon this in the future...

Note: We are using HPOS (which should be enabled by default soon), but if your store is still using legacy post_meta tables, you may need to adjust the wc_get_orders() query:

//Add "weekly" to the available WCS relationship types
add_filter( 'wcs_additional_related_order_relation_types', 'modd_related_order_relation_types' );
function modd_related_order_relation_types( $types ) {
    $types[] = 'weekly';
    return $types; 

//Make sure the order has a "_relationship" meta key (used in the related orders table)
$order_relation = new WCS_Related_Order_Store_CPT();
$order_relation->add_relation( $order, $subscription, 'weekly' );
$order->update_meta_data('_relationship', 'Weekly'); 
$order->save_meta_data(); //required with HPOS

//Filter the admin "related orders" table to include "weekly" orders
add_filter('wcs_admin_subscription_related_orders_to_display', 'modd_admin_add_related_weekly_orders_to_table', 10, 3);
function modd_admin_add_related_weekly_orders_to_table($orders_to_display, $subscriptions, $this_order) {

    foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {

        $orders = wc_get_orders(
                'meta_query' => array(
                        'key' => '_subscription_weekly',
                        'value' => $subscription->get_id(),
                        'compare' => '='

        if (!empty($orders)) {
            foreach($orders as $order) {
                $orders_to_display[] = $order;


    return $orders_to_display;
