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12.4k stars 1.98k forks source link on Atomic: Allow migrations/cloning across WoA sites. #51076

Open JoshuaGoode opened 3 years ago

JoshuaGoode commented 3 years ago

What The ability to migrate/clone between two on Atomic (WoA) sites

Why This is a common request from designers, developers, agencies, and technical users that wish to easily copy or migrate an existing WoA site to another.

Not just site cloning, to a new site. But migrating between existing sites.

How Use the Everything Import option in place but enable it to work for WoA to WoA. Or Jetpack's clone/copy feature.

Additional context We've discussed this multiple times in the past and have had a moderate amount of interactions requesting this. I would need to dig in and find those -- starting this to start tracking new reports.

JoshuaGoode commented 3 years ago

If we don't route through the WPCOM/Everything importer, perhaps the cloning/migration feature already provided by Jetpack?

The Atomic platform also supports Jetpack-less cloning which is in use on a non-WoA provider.

JoshuaGoode commented 3 years ago

A previous discussion about Atomic API cloning while WPCOM Migration was being developed: pbkcP4-8-p2#comment-48

Recent internal threads where a user requested this:

Internal P2 thread: pbkcP4-gn-p2

A request for a site to be cloned that could have used such a feature: p9F6qB-6oC-p2

Jaccuse commented 3 years ago

An interaction where a user was requesting this functionality can be found at: 9948558-hc

yoavf commented 3 years ago

Noting that while Atomic to Atomic migrations via the WP migration tool is theoretically possible (though currently disabled), they are very slow and resource-intensive. We should look at this from an Atomic infrastructure POV where it might be significantly easier and faster to clone an existing site.

nagpai commented 3 years ago

As per internal discussion (p58i-agZ-p2), the Atomic platform has a built in API provision to clone sites. This is used by Pressable already.

It may need some developer efforts to create a HE facing tool and eventually a user facing one.

davipontesblog commented 3 years ago

Related: With this ability described in this issue here, the one above becomes easier to implement.

formosattic commented 3 years ago


User had attempted to create a local staging site, using All-in-One WP Migration, but it had lots of difference with the WoA version.

For users with multiple sites, suggesting getting another Business plan for each of them is a real hassle.

Related request tracked at 384-gh-Automattic/atomic

dragstor commented 2 years ago

I got a chatter asking about this: 32552151-HC, and had heard about the same request multiple times from various HEs.

davipontesblog commented 2 years ago

Here is a user that could have used this for a much easier experience for them: 32722397-hc.

davipontesblog commented 2 years ago

User could have used this here: 32750926-hc

nagpai commented 2 years ago

I hope this feature sees light of the day sooner 34337636-hc

arunsathiya commented 2 years ago

Staging requested on 35106803-hc to test a WooCommerce payments gateway conflict.

JoshuaGoode commented 2 years ago

Being able to easily restore a downloaded Jetpack backup to another site could suffice.

filipanoscampos commented 2 years ago

Another request here 35390738-hc.

cuemarie commented 2 years ago

This user (from Codeable) definitely could have benefitted from this solution: 36419841-hc

As they are using a plugin to migrate their dev site to their live site (both hosted here), they have to contact us repeatedly to fix the Jetpack issues that follow an AIO migration. An internal solution would be so much better!

NoHopeRadio commented 1 year ago

User wanted to import content from one Atomic site to three other Atomic sites.


kavyagokul commented 1 year ago

Similar request in 43209028-hc , after I realized that 'copy-site' doesn't work on ecommerce plan sites