When you click on a theme to see its details, we don't push an update to the URL history, so you can't use the browser back navigation to go back to the theme selection. (If you do hit the browser back button, it will go all the way back to the prior step, which is usually site goal).
Since the theme preview is now an entire page view on its own now (instead of a modal), it feels weird to not have the URL history update!
📌 SCRUBBING : RESULT - Replicated / Could Not Replicate / Uncertain
Tested on Simple: Replicated
Tested with a free site flow. After choosing "View designs", then picking a Theme to try, it is try that choosing the Browser's back button takes me back to the screen where I must again click "View designs".
However, there is a pretty prominent in-screen "Back" link that takes me back to the theme selection page, without that extra step.
Quick summary
During the onboarding flow, during theme selection at this URL: https://wordpress.com/setup/site-setup/designSetup?siteSlug=...
When you click on a theme to see its details, we don't push an update to the URL history, so you can't use the browser back navigation to go back to the theme selection. (If you do hit the browser back button, it will go all the way back to the prior step, which is usually site goal).
Since the theme preview is now an entire page view on its own now (instead of a modal), it feels weird to not have the URL history update!
Steps to reproduce
What you expected to happen
There's a URL history entry, and browser back button takes me back to the theme selection page.
What actually happened
No URL history update, back button goes back to the prior step.
Some (< 50%)
Available workarounds?
Yes, easy to implement
Platform (Simple and/or Atomic)
Simple, Atomic
Logs or notes
No response