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Hosting Configuration: improve Activate Now/Upgrade Now screen #91707

Open liviopv opened 3 weeks ago

liviopv commented 3 weeks ago


The Upgrade Now/Activate Now state of Hosting Config is very muted, undersells the Creator Plans, and doesn't include what could be obvious drives for conversion, like "Install Plugins/Themes", "Real-time backups" or "Custom code".

Since it's easier to find now post-UCNR, this page should be treated as a prime upsell start, similar to /plans or /plugins, and should focus more on selling the Creator Plan as a whole instead of focusing only on the features that will be found there after upgrading.

Upgrade Now CleanShot 2024-06-12 at 09 19 03@2x

Activate Now CleanShot 2024-06-12 at 09 31 36@2x



A page that better showcases the features included in WPCloud-enabled sites might help improve conversions, compared to the current version, which only lists a few features and it's very muted.


In this pre-upgrade/pre-activation state, the Hosting Config page might behave more like a landing page, with a more eye-catching design, and a more comprehensive list of the features that upgrading/activating will unlock, even if those features don't live inside Hosting Config.

Aurorum commented 3 weeks ago


It explains a bit about the thought process behind the existing design, in case that’s helpful.