Tested with two different users, one paid, one free, and a few different images. I also tried selecting an image from the media library instead of uploading with the same effect.
Most (> 50%)
Available workarounds?
No but the platform is still usable
If the above answer is "Yes...", outline the workaround.
Quick summary
I tried cropping images with Firefox and Chrome, and couldn't do it. It used to work.
Steps to reproduce
What you expected to happen
Cropping should work
What actually happened
I can't do anything other than exit cropping
Tested with two different users, one paid, one free, and a few different images. I also tried selecting an image from the media library instead of uploading with the same effect.
Most (> 50%)
Available workarounds?
No but the platform is still usable
If the above answer is "Yes...", outline the workaround.
No response
Platform (Simple and/or Atomic)
Logs or notes
Desktop, Chrome and Firefox on Mac