AvANa-BBS / freepto-lb

Encrypted GNU/Linux OS (based on Debian Wheezy) which can be installed on USB flash drive. Freepto is designed for encrypt your communications, carry your documents in secure way and save your anonymity.
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Correct keyboard layout when asking passphrase #128

Closed paskao closed 9 years ago

paskao commented 10 years ago

Actually there's always the american keyboard layout when asking the passphrase on boot. This layout should be the same of the system keyboard layout and language.

boyska commented 10 years ago

Looking at /lib/live/boot/9990-misc-helpers.sh it seems that load_keymap looks at /etc/boottime.kmap.gz. We would just need to put the correct keymap in that path, and the bug should be solved

boyska commented 10 years ago

It seems that we are patching 9990-misc-helpers.sh but it is unclear what are we doing (see https://github.com/AvANa-BBS/freepto-lb/issues/20#issuecomment-52941401). We should probably:

  1. apply patches as chroot hooks, not just override files
  2. submit patches upstream, if they are valuable
boyska commented 10 years ago

I'm working on this. Well, I got it to work but... just after the password is correctly entered... kernel panic.

I'm having a bad time in understanding the root cause of this.

boyska commented 10 years ago

Finally fixed (I hope) in boyska/128-kbd-layout-passphrase !

Some developer notes:

boyska commented 10 years ago

How to test

Image: http://dev.freepto.mx/dev/128-kbd-layout-passphrase/140828_15.58_v1.0alpha1-35-gfda05fd-it/ Virtualization: We need both a test with virtualization AND one with bare metal. What to do: launch freepto. A password is asked. Enter èbello123 (the keyboard layout is the Italian one). It should work. Enter freepto and check that persistence is activated. Do not rely on the freepto-live-tray: it is buggy now. Check it using check-persistence -v is-mounted; echo $? Last line should be 0

boyska commented 10 years ago

"base" image for different tests is available, too: http://dev.freepto.mx/dev/boyska+128-kbd-layout-passphrase/140828_17.47_v1.0alpha1-35-gfda05fd-it/

boyska commented 10 years ago

It has been tested by paskao ( https://lists.autistici.org/message/20140828.161013.c86e9083.en.html ; other reports has been made on IRC, so no log ) and it seems to work correctly. I'm merging it into avana/master