AvANa-BBS / freepto-lb

Encrypted GNU/Linux OS (based on Debian Wheezy) which can be installed on USB flash drive. Freepto is designed for encrypt your communications, carry your documents in secure way and save your anonymity.
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Don't install the non-free Flash plugin anymore. #149

Closed intrigeri closed 9 years ago

intrigeri commented 9 years ago

Installing Flash may have made sense a few years ago, when it was often needed, mainly for YouTube support. Back then, e.g. it was one of the top-requested features by Tails users.

Nowadays, Flash is disappearing from the web, YouTube works fine without it most of the time, and e.g. Tails users have basically stopped asking for Flash.

I suspect that this commit should be completed by more cleanup: I see Flash-related things e.g. in config/includes.chroot/etc/skel/.icedove/a0wcqjkh.default/pluginreg.dat. But I won't fiddle with auto-generated files that IMO should not be stored in Git to start with, so I'll let this one to someone else who's more comfortable than me with the current Firefox profile implementation.

boyska commented 9 years ago

What you say about auto-generated files refs #140

boyska commented 9 years ago

I can confirm that it actually removes flash, and that youtube and vimeo works. I don't know if there is some other important thing to check, but the situation is quite good for me.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I agree, let's remove it from Freepto.