During this phase, we aim for a basic structure where we can have a RPC Oak AVS Operator node that can accept a RPC call to schedule the task.
For this time being the task will just be a simple task type to emit a message for now. Once we have implement the ERC6900 wallet we will start to integrate more task type.
The purpose of this is to simulate:
End user can submit task to operator
Task is eventually batched, a zkSNARK proof is generated with Groth16 to prove that we indeed store those task
Node will check and execute the task. For now, just a single task type that is to emit an event on EVM
Node implementation
[ ] Base operator codebase that can compile and accept RPC call.
[x] Task submission
[ ] Task condition checking
[x] Basic OAK aggrator
[ ] zk proof task batch writen to L1
[x] Can register this AVS on local testnet or on holesky testnet
[ ] Anvil chain with pre-deploy contract to aid development
Delivery goal:
During this phase, we aim for a basic structure where we can have a RPC Oak AVS Operator node that can accept a RPC call to schedule the task.
For this time being the task will just be a simple task type to emit a message for now. Once we have implement the ERC6900 wallet we will start to integrate more task type.
The purpose of this is to simulate:
Node implementation