AvaProtocol / W3F-Grants-Fork

Web3 Foundation Open Grants Program
Apache License 2.0
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Quardratic funding material #1

Open chrisli30 opened 3 years ago

chrisli30 commented 3 years ago

论文链接 https://blogchains.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/04/SSRN-id3243656.pdf

博客解释 https://ethgasstation.info/blog/quadratic-funding-in-a-nutshell/

Gitcoin中心化的实现 https://gitcoin.co/grants/apollo?


  1. 把Gitcoin的流程操作一遍,每一步的UI都截图
  2. 设计Rust的API接口,全局变量,mapping


  1. 项目方如何取这个grant的资金? 是融资结束给他,还是验收完给他?
  2. 如果社区投资多余grant初始定的目标怎么办?In reality, there are seven contributions, of which six are monthly. These were provided in the following amounts: $5, $10, $5, $333, $18, $333, $665. When you run these numbers through the CLR formula, you get $5,500 as the optimal CLR contribution. To peel the onion back one last layer, the philanthropist could decide to ‘top-off’ Austin’s grant to the stated goal ($1,000/mo), rather than providing the full match reported by CLR.
  3. 如果项目到期了还没有完成目标怎么办?
  4. 如何激励用户参与投票,参与grant能拿到什么代币?平台币更好
  5. 是否要跟identiy结合,参与投票是否必须要注册过identity,我们的项目可以给identity增加应用场景
  6. 如果项目方众筹失败,委员会判定之后,用户可以取回自己的资金,如果自动把币返回给用户?



  1. apply - 提交项目申请(名称,到期时间),提交了之后需要委员会通过才能上架
  2. withdraw - 项目完成之后资金可获得之后,提取项目grant资金
  3. 需要能查询所有用户的赞助份额
  4. 需要能按照钱包地址查询赞助份额


  1. 查看项目详情(可能需要存储在IPFS)
  2. 在参与之前查看投钱能获得匹配的数额(预测)
  3. 参与项目
  4. 查看自己的参与记录(这个可以通过查询钱包记录获得,不需要签名操作)
  5. 如果项目众筹失败,赎回自己投资的币
  6. 未来:声望系统,用户参与项目投票,获得声望值


  1. propose - 提出议程,让委员会投票,proposal也需要有最小通过,过期时间 议程有几种类型,通过上架,允许提款,设置全局变量
  2. approve - 通过一个proposal
imstar15 commented 3 years ago


In reality, there are seven contributions, of which six are monthly. These were provided in the following amounts: $5, $10, $5, $333, $18, $333, $665. When you run these numbers through the CLR formula, you get $5,500 as the optimal CLR contribution. To peel the onion back one last layer, the philanthropist could decide to ‘top-off’ Austin’s grant to the stated goal ($1,000/mo), rather than providing the full match reported by CLR.
