Avaiga / taipy-studio

Taipy Studio, a Visual Studio Code extension dedicated to coding for Taipy.
Apache License 2.0
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Pipeline Icon not showing #142

Closed Ginzou-3 closed 9 months ago

Ginzou-3 commented 9 months ago

Hello, i tried to build a simple worklfow with taipy Studio in VS. I followed yout tutorials on youtube, but the option to add a pipeline in the taipy view is missing. Did i forget something? Using Windows 10, Taipy Studio v2.0.0, Taipy Version 3.0. Tried it also on a different machine.



Here is the config file: ` [CORE] core_version="3.0"


[TASK.merge] inputs = [ "datapath_1:SECTION", "datapath_2:SECTION" ] outputs = [ "merged_data:SECTION" ] function = "functions.merge_dataframe.merge:function" skippable = "False:bool"

[TASK.aggregate] inputs = [ "merged_data:SECTION" ] outputs = [ "aggragated_data:SECTION" ] function = "functions.data_aggregate.main:function" skippable = "False:bool"

[TASK.filter] inputs = [ "aggragated_data:SECTION" ] outputs = [ "filtered_data:SECTION" ] function = "functions.filter_columns.out:function" skippable = "False:bool"

[TASK.plot] inputs = [ "filtered_data:SECTION" ] outputs = [ "output:SECTION" ] function = "functions.plot_graph.main:function" skippable = "False:bool"

[DATA_NODE.datapath_1] storage_type = "json" default_path = "data/sim_data.json" scope = "SCENARIO:SCOPE"

[DATA_NODE.datapath_2] storage_type = "json" default_path = "data/sim_params_json" scope = "SCENARIO:SCOPE"

[DATA_NODE.merged_data] storage_type = "pickle" scope = "SCENARIO:SCOPE"

[DATA_NODE.aggragated_data] storage_type = "pickle" scope = "SCENARIO:SCOPE"

[DATA_NODE.filtered_data] storage_type = "pickle" scope = "SCENARIO:SCOPE"

[DATA_NODE.output] storage_type = "pickle" scope = "SCENARIO:SCOPE" `

FredLL-Avaiga commented 9 months ago

Pipeline Entity has been removed from Taipy 3.0 It is replaced by the concept of Sequence You can add Sequences from the Scenario view (left on your screenshot) by selecting a Scenario and then clicking on the + icon

FredLL-Avaiga commented 9 months ago

@Ginzou-3 Does this answer you question ? If so, can we mark that issue as done ?