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Add scenario tags in the scenario selector #1235

Open rohan011001 opened 2 months ago

rohan011001 commented 2 months ago

Description having scenario tags displayed in the scenaro slector help spotting a specific scenario. Can be hard. Each tag value must have one color. Like github labels image In particular when they are defined as authorized_tags as specified in the documentaion.

A similar improvement also for generic labels and not only tags. If scenario has label key in the property dictionary with a set of strings as value, the selector will display.

For tags we should provide a noolean to activate the property

import taipy.gui.builder as tgb

tgb.scenario_selector("{scenario}", tags=True)

For generic labels we should provide the dict key

import taipy.gui.builder as tgb

tgb.scenario_selector("{scenario}", label=label)

I can help on python only. Please.

Acceptance Criteria

FlorianJacta commented 2 months ago

I like this idea. It makes the scenario selector a lot more practical and with a better UX. We should find a way to design it

jrobinAV commented 2 months ago

Hello @rohan011001

Thank you for your proposal.

Can you have a look to the issue #1075. This is somehow related to improve user experience and to make it easier to select one scenario in a long list. Do you believe it can solve your issue as well?

rohan011001 commented 2 months ago

@jrobinAV Yes I think filter and sort is better than display tags. Not exclusive. If I have filter, I don't need tags.

But can you show me the documentation? I can't find it. How can I use filters and sort?

FredLL-Avaiga commented 3 weeks ago

filter is coming in the next version and will be documented then Would you like to close this issue @rohan011001 ?

jrobinAV commented 6 days ago

We believe the use case makes sense. We have to discuss the possible solutions.