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[🐛 BUG] Status of scenario viewer not updated #1669

Closed FlorianJacta closed 5 days ago

FlorianJacta commented 1 month ago

What went wrong? 🤔

I receive that the predictions is ready but the scenario viewer tells me that the scenario is still running.

Expected Behavior

The status should be completed.

Steps to Reproduce Issue

This issue is hard to reproduce. I tried creating some code but failed to reproduce the error. You should be able to reproduce it with this demo https://github.com/Avaiga/demo-covid-dashboard

Run the code, create a scenario, submit it, and observe its status. If the issue is not found, submit it again.

I have tried with 4.0.0.dev0. It may have been fixed in the latest develop version but I cannot install it.

Version of Taipy


Acceptance Criteria

Code of Conduct

FlorianJacta commented 1 month ago

This code replicates the issue on my side. This is the develop version of Taipy (8/23/24).

from taipy import Config

import taipy as tp
import pandas as pd

def identity(input):
    print("     Identity")
    return input

Config.configure_job_executions(mode="standalone", max_nb_of_workers=2)

## Input Data Nodes
input_cfg = Config.configure_data_node(id="input_dn", default_data=2)

## Remaining Data Node
output_cfg = Config.configure_data_node(id="output_dn")

# Task config objects
identity_task_cfg = Config.configure_task(
    id="identity", function=identity, input=input_cfg, output=output_cfg, skippable=True

# Configure our scenario config.
scenario_cfg = Config.configure_scenario(
    id="my_scenario", task_configs=[identity_task_cfg]

scenario = None

page = """


pages = {"/": "<|navbar|> <|toggle|theme|> <br/>", "Data-Node": page}

if __name__ == "__main__":

jrobinAV commented 2 weeks ago

It should be tested again since some related code has been changed.

FlorianJacta commented 1 week ago

Same issue in Taipy 4.0.0.dev2:
