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Simultaneous webcam and desktop recording #2

Closed AvalancheTheory closed 9 years ago

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

Want to be able to vlog

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=128941 As indicated, these are two separate tasks. As with VLC, FFmpeg also supports Video4Linux2: ffplay -f video4linux2 /dev/video0 Search "video4linux2" in the ffmpeg(1) man page, there're several examples and some explanations you may find helpful. Doing the two tasks simultaneously may be very CPU intensive, you may want to record webcam first to a file, ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 out.mpeg and play it while you do the screencasting. Presumably it will give better quality if your machine is not powerful enough...

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago


Better resource.

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

This is for lossless recording.

"The encoder should be fast enough on most modern hardware to record without any framedrop, and even leave enough CPU headroom for other applications.

If most of your screen will be static, it may be useful to use the -tune stillimage parameter, i.e.:"

ffmpeg -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -c:v libx264 -qp 0 -tune stillimage -preset ultrafast -profile:v high444 capture.mkv

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

Desire to have the name be a function of the date like timestamp.

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

Would rather use cvlc. Script date currently not working.

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

Script date working! https://faq.i3wm.org/question/4730/launch-program-floating/ Going to launch vlc using cvlc command and message i3wm to put it in the corner

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago


AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago


AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

Laptop screen is 1,366x768

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago


AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago


AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago


AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago
