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Youtube Playback choppy and audio out of sync #5

Closed AvalancheTheory closed 9 years ago

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

So totally got youtube to work using these settings: https://gist.github.com/AvalancheTheory/965c11aa51e497a0327a

...but it's super choppy and the audio is out of sync. See below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE0CRbgDj7o

https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleCode/comments/2vhduu/advice_for_streamers/ Looks like the best thing to do would use OBS. Try that tonight.

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

Recommended youtube settings. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2853702?hl=en&ref_topic=2853712

AvalancheTheory commented 9 years ago

Use OBS. Fixed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac5xg3wH9AA