AvaloniaUI / Avalonia.Controls.TreeDataGrid

A combined TreeView/DataGrid for Avalonia.
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Setting MinWidth and using Auto columns breaks layout when scrolling #256

Open wieslawsoltes opened 4 months ago

wieslawsoltes commented 4 months ago


       public CountriesPageViewModel()
            _data = new ObservableCollection<Country>(Countries.All);

            Source = new FlatTreeDataGridSource<Country>(_data)
                Columns =
                    new TextColumn<Country, string>("Country", x => x.Name, (r, v) => r.Name = v, new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star), new()
                        IsTextSearchEnabled = true,
                    new TemplateColumn<Country>("Region", "RegionCell", "RegionEditCell"),
                    new TextColumn<Country, int>("Population", x => x.Population, new GridLength(200, GridUnitType.Auto), new TextColumnOptions<Country>() { MinWidth = new GridLength(300)}),
                    new TextColumn<Country, int>("Area", x => x.Area, new GridLength(200, GridUnitType.Auto), new TextColumnOptions<Country>() { MinWidth = new GridLength(200)}),
                    new TextColumn<Country, int>("GDP", x => x.GDP, new GridLength(200, GridUnitType.Auto), new()
                        TextAlignment = Avalonia.Media.TextAlignment.Right,
                        MaxWidth = new GridLength(150)
            Source.RowSelection!.SingleSelect = false;
wieslawsoltes commented 4 months ago

Repro video:


artizzq commented 4 months ago

Same issue

wieslawsoltes commented 4 months ago

Tested it can reproed also in 11.0.0 and 11.0.1

wieslawsoltes commented 4 months ago

Tested 11.0.0-preview1 and seems to be working properly

wieslawsoltes commented 4 months ago

Repro branch: https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia.Controls.TreeDataGrid/tree/issues-256-repro

wieslawsoltes commented 4 months ago

Seems to be related to this: https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia.Controls.TreeDataGrid/blob/95632c9430f879bc212c7665f7e7be4951d1de3c/src/Avalonia.Controls.TreeDataGrid/Primitives/TreeDataGridPresenterBase.cs#L424-L427

wieslawsoltes commented 4 months ago

Actually even without min/max width the layout breaks when scrolling.


                Columns =
                    new TextColumn<Country, string>("Country", x => x.Name, (r, v) => r.Name = v, new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star), new()
                        IsTextSearchEnabled = true,
                    new TemplateColumn<Country>("Region", "RegionCell", "RegionEditCell"),
                    new TextColumn<Country, int>("Population", x => x.Population, new GridLength(200, GridUnitType.Auto), new TextColumnOptions<Country>() ),
                    new TextColumn<Country, int>("Area", x => x.Area, new GridLength(200, GridUnitType.Auto), new TextColumnOptions<Country>() ),
                    new TextColumn<Country, int>("GDP", x => x.GDP, new GridLength(200, GridUnitType.Auto), new()
                        TextAlignment = Avalonia.Media.TextAlignment.Right,

screenshots: image image

artizzq commented 4 months ago

@wieslawsoltes, Isn't it something with the RealizeElements function inside TreeDataGridPresenterBase? Is it really related to viewport?

Seems to be related to this:


At least, I've tried to catch those problematic rows, but dont know what to do with them exactly and how to update them properly... Does it make sense?

private void RealizeElements(
    IReadOnlyList<TItem> items,
    Size availableSize,
    ref MeasureViewport viewport)
    Debug.Assert(_measureElements is not null);
    Debug.Assert(_realizedElements is not null);
    Debug.Assert(items.Count > 0);

    var index = viewport.anchorIndex;
    var horizontal = Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal;
    var u = viewport.anchorU;

    // If the anchor element is at the beginning of, or before, the start of the viewport
    // then we can recycle all elements before it.
    if (u <= viewport.anchorU)
        _realizedElements.RecycleElementsBefore(viewport.anchorIndex, _recycleElement);

    // Start at the anchor element and move forwards, realizing elements.
        var e = GetOrCreateElement(items, index);
        var constraint = GetInitialConstraint(e, index, availableSize);
        var slot = MeasureElement(index, e, constraint);

        var sizeU = horizontal ? slot.Width : slot.Height;
        var sizeV = horizontal ? slot.Height : slot.Width;

        _measureElements!.Add(index, e, u, sizeU);

        //viewport.measuredV = Math.Max(viewport.measuredV, sizeV);
        if (horizontal == false && items.GetType() == typeof(AnonymousSortableRows<DataRowView>))
            if (sizeV - viewport.measuredV == sizeV)
                viewport.measuredV = Math.Max(viewport.measuredV, sizeV);
                if (viewport.measuredV != sizeV)
                    if (Math.Abs(sizeV - viewport.measuredV) <= 200 || Math.Abs(sizeV - viewport.measuredV) > 200)
                        if (sizeV > viewport.measuredV)
                            sizeV = viewport.measuredV;
                            e.Arrange(new Rect(e.Bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Top, viewport.measuredV, sizeU));
                        } else
                            viewport.measuredV = sizeV;
                            e.Arrange(new Rect(e.Bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Top, viewport.measuredV, sizeU));
                    else if (viewport.measuredV == sizeV)


            viewport.measuredV = Math.Max(viewport.measuredV, sizeV);

        u += sizeU;
    } while (u < viewport.viewportUEnd && index < items.Count);

    // Store the last index and end U position for the desired size calculation.
    viewport.lastIndex = index - 1;
    viewport.realizedEndU = u;

    // We can now recycle elements after the last element.
    _realizedElements.RecycleElementsAfter(viewport.lastIndex, _recycleElement);

    // Next move backwards from the anchor element, realizing elements.
    index = viewport.anchorIndex - 1;
    u = viewport.anchorU;

    while (u > viewport.viewportUStart && index >= 0)
        var e = GetOrCreateElement(items, index);
        var constraint = GetInitialConstraint(e, index, availableSize);
        var slot = MeasureElement(index, e, constraint);

        var sizeU = horizontal ? slot.Width : slot.Height;
        var sizeV = horizontal ? slot.Height : slot.Width;
        u -= sizeU;

        _measureElements.Add(index, e, u, sizeU);

        //viewport.measuredV = Math.Max(viewport.measuredV, sizeV);
        if (horizontal == false && items.GetType() == typeof(AnonymousSortableRows<DataRowView>))
            if (sizeV - viewport.measuredV == sizeV)
                viewport.measuredV = Math.Max(viewport.measuredV, sizeV);
                if (viewport.measuredV != sizeV)
                    if (Math.Abs(sizeV - viewport.measuredV) <= 200 || Math.Abs(sizeV - viewport.measuredV) > 200)
                        if (sizeV > viewport.measuredV)
                            sizeV = viewport.measuredV;
                            e.Arrange(new Rect(e.Bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Top, viewport.measuredV, sizeU));
                            viewport.measuredV = sizeV;
                            e.Arrange(new Rect(e.Bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Top, viewport.measuredV, sizeU));
                    else if (viewport.measuredV == sizeV)


            viewport.measuredV = Math.Max(viewport.measuredV, sizeV);

    // We can now recycle elements before the first element.
    _realizedElements.RecycleElementsBefore(index + 1, _recycleElement);

Also, I've noticed when columns have equal widths there's no bug at all, and when I change width manually it happens.

Hover233 commented 3 months ago

The sorting operation also triggers this bug, hopefully it will be fixed sooner! QQ截图20240315104826