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Tracking issue for all possible XAML compiler warnings #13707

Open maxkatz6 opened 7 months ago

maxkatz6 commented 7 months ago

Any other ideas?

MrJul commented 7 months ago

Duplicate property, two cases:

Attribute + element:

<Border Background="Blue">

Double elements:


Double attributes is already a XML parsing error.

MrJul commented 7 months ago

Possible null reference exception when adding Transition to the Transitions collection without initializing the collection first

It would be nice to have dependency properties able to instantiate collections lazily instead so users don't have to know whether they should instantiate the collection or not.

Currently we have two types:

I'll open a separate proposal to discuss that.

MrJul commented 7 months ago

TemplateBinding used outside of templates. I think I see this one in discussions or Telegram at least once a week :)

timunie commented 7 months ago

Used ContentPresenter and friends outside ControlTeplate, which is forbidden.

stevemonaco commented 7 months ago

Opt-in warnings for {ReflectionBinding} usage so devs writing AOT apps can enforce avoiding its usage.

maxkatz6 commented 6 months ago

XAML compiled should detect following patterns:

                 <TabItem Header="{Binding Title}" /> <!-- WARNING:  -->

And recommend something like this (possibly, just a link to the documentation/samples):

<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding ...}">
    <Style Selector="TabItem">
      <Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding Title}"/>
Al-Dyachkov commented 6 months ago

Is it possible to add a warning when base type declaration in XAML and code behind does not match ? Common error when a person creates UserControl via template, changes it to ReactiveUserControl and does not immediately modify the code behind to match.

maxkatz6 commented 6 months ago

@Al-Dyachkov can you bring some example? If types of XAML and code behind are not compatible, there should already be an error (not even a warning). Unless I am missing something.

ReactiveUserControl in code behind and UserControl in XAML should also be fine.

Al-Dyachkov commented 6 months ago



<reactiveUi:ReactiveUserControl x:TypeArguments="VM" 

code behind

public partial class View : UserControl

This compiles and even works to some extent because ReactiveUserControl<T> is derived from UserControl, but without Reactive UI features like activation, because it is actually a UserControl. This is a minor issue that is usually fixed right away but would be nice to have a warning anyway.

workgroupengineering commented 4 months ago

What do you think about pinning this issue so it's easy to find?

workgroupengineering commented 4 months ago

I would suggest adding a warning when a DynamicResource is reassigned. I wasted a whole day troubleshooting a problem due to this.

timunie commented 4 months ago

I would suggest adding a warning when a DynamicResource is reassigned. I wasted a whole day troubleshooting a problem due to this.

@workgroupengineering can you give an example?

workgroupengineering commented 4 months ago

I would suggest adding a warning when a DynamicResource is reassigned. I wasted a whole day troubleshooting a problem due to this.

@workgroupengineering can you give an example?

A third-party control defines within it a DynamicResource with the same name as the one I created.

Application xmlns="https://github.com/avaloniaui"
  <!-- "Default" ThemeVariant follows system theme variant. "Dark" or "Light" are other available options. -->

      <x:Double x:Key="SmallIconSize">18</x:Double>

    <FluentTheme />
<UserControl xmlns="https://github.com/avaloniaui"

        <!-- internally redefines the resource SmallIconSize 24 -->
        <ResourceInclude Source="avares://third_party/third_party_Control.axaml"/>
 <!-- The size is 24 instead of the expected 16, this is because I don't know Third_party_Control.axaml redefines SmallIconSize. -->
 <Rectangle Fill="Red"
             Width="{DynamicResource SmallIconSize}"
             Height="{DynamicResource SmallIconSize}"/>
</UserControl >
workgroupengineering commented 4 months ago

Add Warning suppression il xaml like

<!--#Suppress-Start: AVX11111 - Reason -->
<!--#Suppress-End: AVX11111-->
timunie commented 4 months ago

A third-party control defines within it a DynamicResource with the same name as the one I created.

That's the exactly what a dynamic resource should do imo 🤔

workgroupengineering commented 4 months ago

A third-party control defines within it a DynamicResource with the same name as the one I created.

That's the exactly what a dynamic resource should do imo 🤔

but if I don't know that it was redefined by another library I will get unexpected behavior. It just needs to show a warning like SmallIconSize has been redefined in avares://third_party/third_party_Control.axaml

maxkatz6 commented 4 months ago

Sounds as an expected possibility.

It just needs to show a warning like SmallIconSize has been redefined

We currently don't have this information. As we don't store such metadata.

Add Warning suppression il xaml like

Yeah, we need something for that.

timunie commented 2 months ago

yet another one (maybe) https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/issues/15593

workgroupengineering commented 3 weeks ago

Add warning when local value override style selector

    <Style Selector=":is(StackPanel) Rectangle.Go">
      <Setter Property="Fill" Value="Red"/>
    <Style Selector=":is(StackPanel) Rectangle:not(.Go)">
      <Setter Property="Fill" Value="Blue"/>
    <Rectangle Width="10" Height="10" Fill="Green"/>  <!-- Add  warning this line -->