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Propagate Dispose from GlyphTypefaceImpl to dispose SkTypeface #15733

Closed lindexi closed 1 week ago

lindexi commented 2 weeks ago

What does the pull request do?

Disposing the SkTypeface by code that can help the SkTypeface call the sk_refcnt_safe_unref faster.

What is the current behavior?

The SkTypeface will call the sk_refcnt_safe_unref when GC.

What is the updated/expected behavior with this PR?

It will dispose the SkTypeface faster.

How was the solution implemented (if it's not obvious)?


Breaking changes


Obsoletions / Deprecations

Fixed issues


avaloniaui-bot commented 2 weeks ago

You can test this PR using the following package version. 11.2.999-cibuild0048477-alpha. (feed url: https://nuget-feed-all.avaloniaui.net/v3/index.json) [PRBUILDID]

cla-avalonia commented 2 weeks ago
lindexi commented 2 weeks ago

@cla-avalonia agree

Gillibald commented 1 week ago

It looks like we can't update your branch so we can merge it

lindexi commented 1 week ago

@Gillibald Thank you and I updated my branch.

avaloniaui-bot commented 1 week ago

You can test this PR using the following package version. 11.2.999-cibuild0048582-alpha. (feed url: https://nuget-feed-all.avaloniaui.net/v3/index.json) [PRBUILDID]