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Using keyboard and mouse on Linux with fbdev #2920

Open aguahombre opened 5 years ago

aguahombre commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to use mouse and keyboard input with Linux framebuffer fbdev?

I have a working app using fbdev and touch on a Raspberry PI 3A running on Raspbian but no keyboard or mouse input. The same app is working on the Raspberry PI desktop with touch, keyboard and mouse.

kekekeks commented 4 years ago

Planned, but not implemented yet

viniciusverasdossantos commented 4 years ago

I also need. Congratulations on the project!

dinonovak commented 3 years ago

any update if support has been added or is in plan?

dinonovak commented 3 years ago

@aguahombre Can you please advise how did you manage to enable touchscreen under framebuffer? I have 5inch hdmi display with xpt2046 touch controller, but I do not know how to enable touch

aguahombre commented 3 years ago

@dinonovak Last time I looked, the Linux framebuffer was not well supported and I was advised by kekekeks (I think) to run my app in kiosk mode under X. I found this works quite well.

Drise13 commented 2 years ago

I'm looking to get keyboard events into the Avalonia ControlCatalog sample for a linux framebuffer device (BeagleBoneBlack). I have touch inputs working (through libts i think) and output to the framebuffer using --fbdev. I can't seem to get usb keyboard events into the application however, even though it looks like I have input focus captured on a textbox.

Is there any updates to capturing keyboard events while running a framebuffer output?

masterworgen commented 1 year ago

Planned, but not implemented yet

It's been 3 years, where is the keyboard?

kekekeks commented 1 year ago

Still planned. And will stay planned if people will be expressing that kind of attitude, BTW.

Oaz commented 4 months ago

In case anyone landing here is interested, I've got an experimental extended LibInputBackend with keyboard handling. It works for basic use cases but is clearly not production ready.

sn4k3 commented 1 month ago

In case anyone landing here is interested, I've got an experimental extended LibInputBackend with keyboard handling. It works for basic use cases but is clearly not production ready.

I landed here and have to say that this works perfectly :) Thanks! Would be nice to see it as nuget package ;)

Note: Tab for focus scroll works fine, however SHIFT + TAB does nothing. Also accent letters that require accent key + letter eg: (´e to make: é, as well ~a to make ã) doesn't work.

I also did this changes to allow new devices to be listen, eg: bluetooth or new usb:

// On InputThread:
foreach (var f in options.Events!)
    libinput_path_add_device(ctx, f);

while (true)

    if (options.ListenEventsChanges && (DateTime.Now - lastUpdate).TotalMilliseconds >= updateInterval)
        var events = Directory.GetFiles("/dev/input", "event*");
        for (var i = options.ActiveEvents.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            var f = options.ActiveEvents[i];
            if (!events.Contains(f))
        foreach (var f in events)
            if (options.ActiveEvents.Contains(f)) continue;
            libinput_path_add_device(ctx, f);
        lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
MasterMann commented 1 month ago

I also did this changes to allow new devices to be listen, eg: bluetooth or new usb:

@sn4k3 can you post your LibInputBackendOptions code? Seems like some of the changes were done there too, but missing from your snippet

sn4k3 commented 1 month ago

Yes, you need to add missing parts to config. Meanwhile I made more changes, here the complete files to replace:


#nullable enable
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Avalonia.LibInputExperiments;

/// <summary>
/// LibInputBackend Options.
/// </summary>
public sealed record class LibInputBackendOptions
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets to listen for event changes, if true it will listen for events changes and register them to make the device work without restarting the application.
    /// </summary>
    public bool ListenEventsChanges { get; init; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the listen for event changes interval in milliseconds.<br/>
    /// Requires <see cref="ListenEventsChanges"/> to be true.
    /// </summary>
    public int ListenEventsChangesInterval { get; init; } = 5000;

    /// <summary>
    /// List Events of events handler to monitoring eg: /dev/eventX.
    /// </summary>
    public IReadOnlyList<string>? Events { get; init; } = null;
    public LibInputKeyboardConfiguration Keyboard { get; init; } = new ();

public sealed record class LibInputKeyboardConfiguration
    public string Rules { get; init; } = string.Empty;
    public string Model { get; init; } = string.Empty;
    public string Layout { get; init; } = string.Empty;
    public string Variant { get; init; } = string.Empty;
    public string Options { get; init; } = string.Empty;


#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Avalonia.Input;
using Avalonia.Input.Raw;
using Avalonia.LibInputExperiments.Helpers;
using Avalonia.LinuxFramebuffer.Input;
using static Avalonia.LibInputExperiments.LibInputNativeUnsafeMethods;

namespace Avalonia.LibInputExperiments
    public partial class LibInputBackend : IInputBackend
        private IScreenInfoProvider? _screen;
        private IInputRoot? _inputRoot;
        private const string LibInput = nameof(LinuxFramebuffer) + "/" + nameof(Input) + "/" + nameof(LibInput);
        private Action<RawInputEventArgs>? _onInput;
        private readonly LibInputBackendOptions? _options;

        public LibInputBackend(LibInputBackendOptions? options = default)
            _options = options;

        private string[] GetAvailableEvents()
            return Directory.GetFiles("/dev/input", "event*");

        private unsafe void InputThread(IntPtr ctx, LibInputBackendOptions options)
            var fd = libinput_get_fd(ctx);

            var activeEvents = new Dictionary<string, IntPtr>();

            foreach (var f in options.Events!)
                var instance = libinput_path_add_device(ctx, f);
                activeEvents.TryAdd(f, instance);

            var lastPoolUpdate = DateTime.Now;

            while (true)
                if (options.ListenEventsChanges && (DateTime.Now - lastPoolUpdate).TotalMilliseconds >= options.ListenEventsChangesInterval)
                    var events = GetAvailableEvents();

                    // Checks if the get events and active events both contain same events
                    foreach (var f in activeEvents.Keys)
                        if (events.Contains(f)) continue;
                        if (activeEvents.Remove(f, out var inputPtr))
                            // This create segmentation fault, not sure how to handle this
                            // For now we do not remove old devices ptr
                            /*if (inputPtr != IntPtr.Zero)

                    // Adds events if not present in active events
                    foreach (var f in events)
                        if (activeEvents.ContainsKey(f)) continue;
                        var inputPtr = libinput_path_add_device(ctx, f);
                        activeEvents.TryAdd(f, inputPtr);
                    lastPoolUpdate = DateTime.Now;

                IntPtr ev;
                while ((ev = libinput_get_event(ctx)) != IntPtr.Zero)
                    var type = libinput_event_get_type(ev);

                    if (type >= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY
                        && type <= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY)
                        HandleKeyboard(ev, type);

                    if (type >= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN &&
                        type <= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL)
                        HandleTouch(ev, type);

                    if (type >= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION
                        && type <= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS)
                        HandlePointer(ev, type);

                    // if (type >= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_TOOL_AXIS
                    //     && type <= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_TOOL_BUTTON)
                    //     HandleTabletTool(ev, type);
                    // if (type >= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_PAD_BUTTON
                    //     && type <= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_TABLET_PAD_STRIP)
                    //     HandleTabletPad(ev, type);
                    // if (type >= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_SWIPE_BEGIN
                    //     && type <= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_PINCH_END)
                    //     HandleGesture(ev, type);


                pollfd pfd = new pollfd { fd = fd, events = 1 };
                NativeUnsafeMethods.poll(&pfd, new IntPtr(1), 10);

        private void ScheduleInput(RawInputEventArgs ev) => _onInput?.Invoke(ev);

        public void Initialize(IScreenInfoProvider screen, Action<RawInputEventArgs> onInput)
            _screen = screen;
            _onInput = onInput;
            var ctx = libinput_path_create_context();
            var options = new LibInputBackendOptions()
                ListenEventsChanges = _options?.ListenEventsChanges ?? false,
                ListenEventsChangesInterval = _options?.ListenEventsChangesInterval ?? 5000,
                Events = _options?.Events ?? GetAvailableEvents(),
                Keyboard = _options?.Keyboard ?? new LibInputKeyboardConfiguration()

            new Thread(() => InputThread(ctx, options))
                Name = "Input Manager Worker",
                IsBackground = true

        public void SetInputRoot(IInputRoot root)
            _inputRoot = root;

Note: I wanted to libinput_path_remove_device(inputPtr); when a device is removed, but I got segmentation fault, so I skip that ideia and register again. It works well for BT, if you disconnect / connect a keyboard it will always work.

Oaz commented 1 month ago

Yes, you need to add missing parts to config. Meanwhile I made more changes, here the complete files to replace:


#nullable enable
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Avalonia.LibInputExperiments;

@sn4k3 if you want changes in this LibInputExperiments project, they shall not be posted here in an Avalonia UI issue. Please open an issue, or, better, a pull request in the LibInputExperiments project (it is not related to official Avalonia UI projects).