AvaloniaUI / Avalonia

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Does anyone know the webview and rich text edit box for Avalonia? i need them. #4410

Closed wuzlai closed 4 years ago

wuzlai commented 4 years ago

Does anyone know the webview and rich text edit box for Avalonia? About webview ,i find "https://github.com/VitalElement/CefGlue.Core/issues",but i can not use it in Avalonia 0.9,and it is old.Maintenance updates are rare.I do not konw the reason,I wonder if this webview control exists ,my avalonia project need webview. About rich text edit box,i can not find some demo.Can you help me.

maxkatz6 commented 4 years ago

I believe CefNet should works fine as WebView https://github.com/CefNet/CefNet

UPD: another alternative - https://github.com/OutSystems/WebView

maxkatz6 commented 4 years ago

And not sure about RichEditBox, but you can take a look at https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/AvaloniaEdit

wuzlai commented 4 years ago

And not sure about RichEditBox, but you can take a look at https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/AvaloniaEdit

Hi,handsome, I download 'https://github.com/CefNet/CefNet' and 'https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/AvaloniaEdit',but this 2 projects does not run.it has many error. About CefNet,there are many problems. such as 'Reference to undefined class 'CefNet.CefV8Exception' CefNet C:\Users\Wuzl\Downloads\CefNet-master\CefNet\EXEC 1 ' ' ImmutableAttribute "is not a feature class CefNet (Standard2.1) C:\Users\Wuzl\Downloads\ cefnet-master \CefNet\ Native\Types\cef_cookie_access_filter_t.cs 48'

image image image

About AvaloniaEidit.there are several problems. such as 'The severity code states that the project file line does not display status Error CS0535 'MockPlatformRenderInterface not implement interface members "IPlatformRenderInterface. CreateFormattedText (string, Typeface, double, TextAlignment, TextWrapping, Size, IReadOnlyList < FormattedTextStyleSpan >) "AvaloniaEdit. Tests at C: \ Users \ Wuzl \ Downloads \ AvaloniaEdit - master (1) \ AvaloniaEdit - master \ test \ AvaloniaEdit Tests \ AvaloniaMocks \ MockPlatformRenderInterface cs activities' 'The severity code states that the project file line does not display status Error CS0246 could not find type or namespace name "IEmbeddableWindowImpl" (missing using directive or assembly reference?) Avaloniaedit.tests C:\Users\Wuzl\Downloads\ AvalonIaEdit-master (1)\AvaloniaEdit-master\ Test \ avaloniaEdit.tests \AvaloniaMocks\ MockWindowingPlatform-cs 23 activity'



Neither of these two sets of code can run directly successfully? Have you come across it? Or can you send a copy of the code that you were able to run successfully? Urgent, thank you

maxkatz6 commented 4 years ago

You don't need to download and rebuild those projects, they both have NuGet packages, that you can install into your application. https://www.nuget.org/packages/CefNet.Avalonia/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/Avalonia.AvaloniaEdit/0.9.0-preview1 Note, that you probably need 0.9.0-preview1 version of AvaloniaEdit and not stable 0.8.0 (depending on what Avalonia version you are using in your application)

If you still need use source code directly or have another issues with those packages, you should create new issues in their repositories. FYI @danwalmsley @vmas

wuzlai commented 4 years ago


Oh,very good, I use version of avalonia 0.9.10. Can you show me the use guide for CefNet.Avalonia and Avalonia.AvaloniaEdit. How do I use it directly in the project? What kind of method should be used? Or labels?

maxkatz6 commented 4 years ago

Both projects have sample projects https://github.com/CefNet/CefNet/tree/master/AvaloniaApp https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/AvaloniaEdit/tree/0.9.0-preview1/src/AvaloniaEdit.Demo

Note, that they use ProjectReference instead of Nuget+PackageReference.

wuzlai commented 4 years ago

这两个项目都有示例项目 https://github.com/CefNet/CefNet/tree/master/AvaloniaApp https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/AvaloniaEdit/tree/0.9.0-preview1/src/AvaloniaEdit.Demo

请注意,它们使用ProjectReference而不是Nuget + PackageReference。

thank you,i will try it . i use Nuget.

pr8x commented 4 years ago

There is a giant PR pending on the cefglue repo. It supports latest Avalonia and all kinds of other features (Like JavaScript evaluation). I wonder if/when they will merge this.


wuzlai commented 4 years ago

In order to Help others,I attach the correct solution about the webview for avalonia. i have run successfully. https://github.com/CefNet/CefNet/issues/19#event-3650896768. About rich text editors, i still does not find.

RusselRillema commented 3 months ago

For any future readers...

With regards to the webview control, I have use dotnetbrowser So far I am very happy with it!