AvaloniaUtils / DialogHost.Avalonia

AvaloniaUI control that provides a simple way to display a dialog with information or prompt the user when information is needed
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Feature Request : Dialog Alignment #16

Closed kikipoulet closed 1 year ago

kikipoulet commented 1 year ago

I use DialogHost in my SukiUI library to show dialogs, and by the way thank you for you work 👍 Recently I made some Mobile Controls which requires to show a dialog at the bottom :


To make that I used some very ugly code in a very ugly fork to create a new parameter and simply show the dialog at bottom with this code change :

var verticalMargin = (parameters.AnchorRectangle.Height - parameters.Size.Height) / 1.05;

in the DialogPopupPositioner class. The problem is that it messed up all my dependencies with avalonia 0.10 to 0.11 migration, and the only solution for me was to come at the DialogHost 0.6.0 nuget package, which basically saved me 👍

So .. could it be possible to add a "VerticalAlignment" parameter in the dialoghost control ? :-)

SKProCH commented 1 year ago

Hello, @kikipoulet

It's quite a complex task, as far as I can see. Because, for example, your dialog is at least not straight down, it has a vertical indent from the bottom. I'll think about how to implement it better.

For now, I'm thinking about the idea of allowing you to create your own Positioner

kikipoulet commented 1 year ago

Would be great honestly! If I can change the positioner of the dialog control with a (binded) property it would be absolutely perfect :)

SKProCH commented 1 year ago

Seems like this is working fine - i added a configurable PopupPositioner and implemented AlignmentDialogPopupPositioner which can handle Horizontal and Vertical alignment and also Margin out of the box!


kikipoulet commented 1 year ago

Absolutely awesome ! Thank you for the feature !

SKProCH commented 1 year ago

It is marked as preview version now, cuz i want to implement some features.

kevin100702 commented 1 year ago
<dialogHostAvalonia:DialogHost x:Name="dialogHost" Identifier="MainDialogHost" OverlayBackground="Transparent"
                                   DialogMargin="0" DisableOpeningAnimation="True"
dialogHost.PopupPositioner = new AlignmentDialogPopupPositioner()
        VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
        // Margin = new Thickness(x <5? 5: x, y <5?5:y)
        Margin = new Thickness(20)
DialogHost.Show(_startDevice, "MainDialogHost");

When I control it in C#, it doesn't seem to take effect, and the pop-up user control always appears in the upper left corner.

kikipoulet commented 1 year ago
<dialogHostAvalonia:DialogHost x:Name="dialogHost" Identifier="MainDialogHost" OverlayBackground="Transparent"
                                 DialogMargin="0" DisableOpeningAnimation="True"
dialogHost.PopupPositioner = new AlignmentDialogPopupPositioner()
        VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
        // Margin = new Thickness(x <5? 5: x, y <5?5:y)
        Margin = new Thickness(20)
DialogHost.Show(_startDevice, "MainDialogHost");

When I control it in C#, it doesn't seem to take effect, and the pop-up user control always appears in the upper left corner.

In your C# sample your VerticalAlignment property seems to be Top and your HorizontalAlignment property is Left so it works correctly.

Maybe check in your code if your values are correct or not 👍

kevin100702 commented 1 year ago

But I set the margin to 20, hoping that the pop-up window will be 20 away from the top and left margins, but the current top and left margins are 0. Is my understanding of the Margin property wrong? thank you for your reply!

kikipoulet commented 1 year ago

Maybe try removing the property DialogMargin="0", maybe it overrides the dialogpopuppositioner margin ?

SKProCH commented 1 year ago

Hello, @kevin100702

It kikipoulet suggestion doesn't help, please, open a new issue for that. Thanks