AvansETI / SmartSensor

SmartSensor: a sensor to be used as sensor and actuator within existing buildings.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Download grafana causes slow Influx that causes crash of smartnetwork.py #14

Open macsnoeren opened 1 year ago

macsnoeren commented 1 year ago

When people want to download data, the application crashes and no data is shown in the app. This could be due to a slow Infux database.

macsnoeren commented 1 year ago

Idea is to detach the database that is used by the scripts and the database used by grafana. So, two databases maybe? Or we can also think about increasing the resources to the machine of the database.

macsnoeren commented 1 year ago

Nog preciezer. De eerste download was gelukt en daarna pakte Ad een ander tijdsinterval (previous fiscal year). Hierna stopte het.