AvantTeam / ProjectUnityPublic

A public, stripped down workspace of the Project Unity mod, a mega-collaboration Mindustry mod. Not intended to be played yet; this is purely for code publicity and healthy competition reasons.
GNU General Public License v3.0
174 stars 29 forks source link

Tank Building and Mechanical Transmission bugs (mobile edition) #10

Closed TheMalaysianDude closed 2 years ago

TheMalaysianDude commented 2 years ago

Tank Building -cursor only updates when swipe is initiated but not tap or swiping

Mechanical Transmission -Rotary Water Extractor rotate UI Button not visible (it can only be rotateable via swiping placement) -Building plan draw block icon instead of procedurally based on rotation one -Replacing Auger Drill with different Rotation still function despite shaft connection doesn't make any sense

Xeloboyo commented 2 years ago

Thank you the problem will be resolved in the next commit hopefully.

TheMalaysianDude commented 2 years ago

jesse i am the problem image

TheMalaysianDude commented 2 years ago

Joke aside, does Rotary Water Extractor able to output liquid anywhere?