Hi @Avdhesh-Varshney
:red_circle: Title:
Add FAQ Section Design
:red_circle: Enhancement Aim:
Create a user-friendly FAQ section that provides quick answers to commonly asked questions, improving user experience and reducing support inquiries.
:red_circle: Changes:
Design an accessible FAQ section with collapsible questions and answers.
Organize FAQs by categories or topics for better navigation.
Add a search or filter option to help users quickly find relevant answers.
Ensure mobile responsiveness and optimized readability.
Screenshots 📷
:white_check_mark: To be Mentioned while taking the issue:
Full name: Devansh Vishwa
What is your participant role? gssoc-ext contributor
Happy Contributing 🚀
All the best. Enjoy your open source journey ahead. 😎
Hi @Avdhesh-Varshney :red_circle: Title:
Add FAQ Section Design
:red_circle: Enhancement Aim:
Create a user-friendly FAQ section that provides quick answers to commonly asked questions, improving user experience and reducing support inquiries.
:red_circle: Changes:
Screenshots 📷
:white_check_mark: To be Mentioned while taking the issue:
Happy Contributing 🚀
All the best. Enjoy your open source journey ahead. 😎