Added -> User sign/in or sign/up functionality
Done- > proper routing
Tested on local server (mongodb compass) ->store the data in mongodb online server
Done -> fetch it and logged the user and setting logged in: true
created two routes:
1.createuser -> to add new user
login -> to login using mail and password
created User schems
No backend can be integrated untill state management is available in frontend, either use context api or redux.
closes #3
Added -> User sign/in or sign/up functionality Done- > proper routing Tested on local server (mongodb compass) ->store the data in mongodb online server Done -> fetch it and logged the user and setting logged in: true
Description created two routes: 1.createuser -> to add new user
Note No backend can be integrated untill state management is available in frontend, either use context api or redux.
Kindly review and merge pr.