Avdhesh-Varshney / chanakya-niti

A digital platform leveraging AI to provide accessible and engaging content on the teachings of Chanakya, an ancient Indian philosopher.
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🧑‍💻: Issue Greeting Template #110

Closed thevijayshankersharma closed 2 weeks ago

thevijayshankersharma commented 2 weeks ago

:red_circle: Title : :red_circle: Enhancement Aim : :red_circle: Changes :

This template provides a structured format for creating greetings on GitHub issues related to enhancements or bug fixes. It includes sections for the title, enhancement aim, proposed changes, optional screenshots, and important information to be mentioned while taking the issue. This standardized template aims to streamline communication and ensure clarity for contributors and maintainers.

Screenshots 📷

:white_check_mark: To be Mentioned while taking the issue :

Happy Contributing 🚀

All the best. Enjoy your open source journey ahead. 😎

Avdhesh-Varshney commented 2 weeks ago

@thevijayshankersharma not required.