Avdhesh-Varshney / chanakya-niti

A digital platform leveraging AI to provide accessible and engaging content on the teachings of Chanakya, an ancient Indian philosopher.
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🐛: Authorization token exposed , sol : authorize token via ENV #114

Closed Sushanth-Hebri closed 4 hours ago

Sushanth-Hebri commented 2 weeks ago

Authorization token is exposed publicly, which is not good. Lets take security as priority Kindly Assign this task to me under Level 2 of GSSOC'24 thank you ❤️

Avdhesh-Varshney commented 2 weeks ago

@Sushanth-Hebri go ahead.

ROKUMATE commented 1 week ago

Can Your Briefly Explain the Issue ? here we just have to Put the AuthToken in environmental variables file or the issue is different ?

Avdhesh-Varshney commented 6 days ago

Can Your Briefly Explain the Issue ? here we just have to Put the AuthToken in environmental variables file or the issue is different ?

Nope, but change the env variable name as i've already mentioned in pr 2 times.

ROKUMATE commented 3 days ago

Can Your Briefly Explain the Issue ? here we just have to Put the AuthToken in environmental variables file or the issue is different ?

Nope, but change the env variable name as i've already mentioned in pr 2 times.

ohkok ... If the Issue is then also not solved i would like to work on this issue under GSSOC Contributiion

Avdhesh-Varshney commented 2 days ago

@ROKUMATE go ahead.