Avdhesh-Varshney / chanakya-niti

A digital platform leveraging AI to provide accessible and engaging content on the teachings of Chanakya, an ancient Indian philosopher.
MIT License
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Daily Wisdom #139

Closed MetiUmashri closed 2 days ago

MetiUmashri commented 1 week ago

A feature enhancement here could be that:

A “Daily Wisdom” section that presents a random or scheduled audio clip or quote from Chanakya Neeti. Push notifications or email subscriptions for daily wisdom.

Happy Contributing 🚀

All the best. Enjoy your open source journey ahead. 😎

Avdhesh-Varshney commented 5 days ago

@MetiUmashri i'm confused where should i keep this feature on the website? And mention me your workflow to clarify this idea in my mind. You can discuss with me on discord server.