AveYo / LeanAndMean

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call RunAsTi.cmd mybatch.cmd nothing happen #11

Open Owned67 opened 8 months ago

Owned67 commented 8 months ago


downloaded and placed RunAsTI.bat file in to %windir%/system32 restarting computer, open a cmd elevated:

call RunAsTI.bat mybatchfile.cmd or call %windir%/system32/RunAsTI.bat mybatchfile.cmd

`@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

whoami /user | find /i "S-1-5-18" > nul 2>&1 || ( call RunAsTI.cmd "%~f0" "%*" exit /b )

del /q/f/s !windir!\temp*.*`

file are not deleted.

if opening a cmd and execute the command, it work fine del /q/f/s !windir!\temp\*.*