AveYo / fox

Firefox stuff
704 stars 67 forks source link

Edge_Removal.bat does not remove Edge #12

Closed akuropka closed 2 years ago

akuropka commented 2 years ago

20220701_072228_explorer Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.169] Edge Stable Version 103.0.1264.44 (Offizielles Build) (64-Bit)

AveYo commented 2 years ago


 (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($ffsetup,$firefox); start $firefox


Went fine here (En-US). Have you tried with Edge completely closed? Is Defender blocking the operation? Will try to test a DE install over the weekend and see if it's something about localization.

akuropka commented 2 years ago

I was just wondering because there's no error message...

It seems this command line foreach ($s in $setup) { try{ start -wait $s -args "--msedge $purge" } catch{} } has no effect. Even running as standalone command C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\103.0.1264.44\Installer\setup.exe --msedge --uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall nothing happens.

But if it works at your end I guess it is specific to my system. Edge is completely closed (through menu, no msedge.exe running), Defender does not alarm anything.

AveYo commented 2 years ago

Script has been recently updated precisely because some arguments stopped working. It might be that Microsoft is doing cancerous A/B testing, and our installs behave differently despite having the same build number

AveYo commented 2 years ago
@(set "0=%~f0"^)#) & powershell -nop -c iex([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) & exit/b
#:: double-click to run or just copy-paste into powershell - it's a standalone hybrid script
$_Paste_in_Powershell = { $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'Edge Removal - AveYo, 2022.06.21 test'

$also_remove_webview = 1 

## targets
$remove_win32 = @("Microsoft Edge","Microsoft Edge Update"); $remove_appx = @("MicrosoftEdge")
if ($also_remove_webview -eq 1) {$remove_win32 += "Microsoft EdgeWebView"; $remove_appx += "Win32WebViewHost"}
## enable admin privileges 
$D1=[uri].module.gettype('System.Diagnostics.Process')."GetM`ethods"(42) |where {$_.Name -eq 'SetPrivilege'} #`:no-ev-warn
'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege'|foreach {$D1.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
## set useless policies
foreach ($p in 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies','HKLM\SOFTWARE') {
  reg add "$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" /f /v InstallDefault /d 0 /t reg_dword >''
  reg add "$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" /f /v "Install{56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062}" /d 0 /t reg_dword >''
  reg add "$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" /f /v "Install{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}" /d 1 /t reg_dword >''
  reg add "$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" /f /v DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium /d 1 /t reg_dword >''
## clear win32 uninstall block
foreach ($hk in 'HKCU','HKLM') {foreach ($wow in '','\Wow6432Node') {foreach ($i in $remove_win32) {
  write-host reg delete "$hk\SOFTWARE${wow}\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$i" /f /v NoRemove
  reg delete "$hk\SOFTWARE${wow}\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$i" /f /v NoRemove
## find all Edge setup.exe
$setup = @(); $bho = @(); "LocalApplicationData","ProgramFilesX86","ProgramFiles" |foreach {
  dir $($([Environment]::GetFolderPath($_)) + '\Microsoft\Edge*\setup.exe') -rec -ea 0
  $setup += dir $($([Environment]::GetFolderPath($_)) + '\Microsoft\Edge*\setup.exe') -rec -ea 0
  $bho += dir $($([Environment]::GetFolderPath($_)) + '\Microsoft\Edge*\ie_to_edge_stub.exe') -rec -ea 0
## export ChrEdgeFkOff innovative redirector
foreach ($b in $bho) { if (test-path $b) { copy $b "$env:ProgramData\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" -force -ea 0; break } }
## shut edge down
foreach ($p in 'MicrosoftEdgeUpdate','chredge','msedge','msedgewebview2','Widgets') { kill -name $p -force -ea 0 }
## clear appx uninstall block and remove
$provisioned = get-appxprovisionedpackage -online; $appxpackage = get-appxpackage -allusers
$store = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore'; $store_reg = $store.replace(':','')
$users = @('S-1-5-18'); if (test-path $store) {$users += $((dir $store |where {$_ -like '*S-1-5-21*'}).PSChildName)}
write-host remove_appx $remove_appx
foreach ($choice in $remove_appx) { if ('' -eq $choice.Trim()) {continue}
  write-host choice $choice
  foreach ($appx in $($provisioned |where {$_.PackageName -like "*$choice*"})) {
    $PackageFamilyName = ($appxpackage |where {$_.Name -eq $appx.DisplayName}).PackageFamilyName; $PackageFamilyName
    reg add "$store_reg\Deprovisioned\$PackageFamilyName" /f
    dism /online /remove-provisionedappxpackage /packagename:$($appx.PackageName)
    #powershell -nop -c remove-appxprovisionedpackage -packagename "'$($appx.PackageName)'" -online 2>&1 >'' 
  foreach ($appx in $($appxpackage |where {$_.PackageFullName -like "*$choice*"})) {
    $inbox = (gp "$store\InboxApplications\*$($appx.Name)*" Path).PSChildName
    $PackageFamilyName = $appx.PackageFamilyName; $PackageFullName = $appx.PackageFullName; $PackageFullName
    foreach ($app in $inbox) {reg delete "$store_reg\InboxApplications\$app" /f }
    reg add "$store_reg\Deprovisioned\$PackageFamilyName" /f 
    foreach ($sid in $users) {reg add "$store_reg\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageFullName" /f }
    dism /online /set-nonremovableapppolicy /packagefamily:$PackageFamilyName /nonremovable:0 
    powershell -nop -c remove-appxpackage -package "'$PackageFullName'" -AllUsers 
    foreach ($sid in $users) {reg delete "$store_reg\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageFullName" /f }
## shut edge down, again
foreach ($p in 'MicrosoftEdgeUpdate','chredge','msedge','msedgewebview2','Widgets') { kill -name $p -force -ea 0 }
## brute-run found Edge setup.exe with uninstall args
$purge = '--uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall'
if ($also_remove_webview -eq 1) { foreach ($s in $setup) { try{ 
 write-host start -wait $s -args "--msedgewebview $purge" 
 start -wait $s -args "--msedgewebview $purge"
} catch{} } }
foreach ($s in $setup) { try{ 
 write-host start -wait $s -args "--msedge $purge" 
 start -wait $s -args "--msedge $purge" 
} catch{} }
## prevent latest cumulative update (LCU) failing due to non-matching EndOfLife Edge entries
foreach ($i in $remove_appx) {
  dir "$store\EndOfLife" -rec -ea 0 |where {$_ -like "*${i}*"} |foreach {reg delete "$($_.Name)" /f 2>&1 >''}
  dir "$store\Deleted\EndOfLife" -rec -ea 0 |where {$_ -like "*${i}*"} |foreach {reg delete "$($_.Name)" /f 2>&1 >''}

## add ChrEdgeFkOff to redirect microsoft-edge: anti-competitive links to the default browser 
$ChrEdgeFkOff = @'
@echo off
::# toggle when launched without arguments, else jump to arguments: "install" or "remove"
set CLI=%*& set IFEO=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options& set MSE=& set BHO=&;
for /f "tokens=2*" %%V in ('reg query "HKCR\MSEdgeMHT\shell\open\command" /ve 2^>nul') do set "ProgID=%%W"
for %%W in (%ProgID%) do if not defined MSE set "MSE=%%~W"& set "MSEPath=%%~dpW"
if /i "%CLI%"=="" reg query "%IFEO%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0" /v Debugger >nul 2>nul && goto remove || goto install
if /i "%~1"=="install" (goto install) else if /i "%~1"=="remove" goto remove

if defined MSEPath for /f "delims=" %%W in ('dir /o:D /b /s "%MSEPath%\*ie_to_edge_stub.exe" 2^>nul') do set "BHO=%%~fW" 
if not exist "%MSEPath%chredge.exe" if exist "%MSE%" mklink /h "%MSEPath%chredge.exe" "%MSE%" >nul
if defined BHO copy /y "%BHO%" "%ProgramData%\\" >nul 2>nul
call :export ChrEdgeFkOff.vbs > "%ProgramData%\ChrEdgeFkOff.vbs"
reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /ve /d URL:microsoft-edge >nul
reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /v "URL Protocol" /d "" >nul
reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /v "NoOpenWith" /d "" >nul 
reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge\shell\open\command /f /ve /d "\\"%ProgramData%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\\" %%1" >nul
reg add HKCR\MSEdgeHTM /f /v "NoOpenWith" /d "" >nul
reg add HKCR\MSEdgeHTM\shell\open\command /f /ve /d "\\"%ProgramData%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\\" %%1" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0" /f /v FilterFullPath /d "%ProgramData%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0" /f /v Debugger /d "wscript.exe \\"%ProgramData%\ChrEdgeFkOff.vbs\\" //B //T:60" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\msedge.exe" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\msedge.exe\0" /f /v FilterFullPath /d "%MSE%" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\msedge.exe\0" /f /v Debugger /d "wscript.exe \\"%ProgramData%\ChrEdgeFkOff.vbs\\" //B //T:60" >nul
exit /b 

del /f /q "%ProgramData%\ChrEdgeFkOff.vbs" "%MSEPath%chredge.exe" >nul 2>nul 
rem del /f /q "%ProgramData%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"
reg delete HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /v "NoOpenWith" >nul 2>nul
reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge\shell\open\command /f /ve /d "\\"%MSE%\\" --single-argument %%1" >nul
reg delete HKCR\MSEdgeHTM /f /v "NoOpenWith" >nul 2>nul
reg add HKCR\MSEdgeHTM\shell\open\command /f /ve /d "\\"%MSE%\\" --single-argument %%1" >nul
reg delete "%IFEO%\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "%IFEO%\msedge.exe" /f >nul 2>nul
exit /b

:export: [USAGE] call :export NAME
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion || Prints all text between lines starting with :NAME:[ and :NAME:] - A pure batch snippet by AveYo
set [=&for /f "delims=:" %%s in ('findstr /nbrc:":%~1:\[" /c:":%~1:\]" "%~f0"')do if defined [ (set /a ]=%%s-3)else set /a [=%%s-1 
<"%~f0" ((for /l %%i in (0 1 %[%) do set /p =)&for /l %%i in (%[% 1 %]%) do (set txt=&set /p txt=&echo(!txt!)) &endlocal &exit /b

' ChrEdgeFkOff v4 - make start menu web search, widgets links or help open in your chosen default browser - by AveYo  
Dim A,F,CLI,URL,decode,utf8,char,u,u1,u2,u3,ProgID,Choice : CLI = "": URL = "": For i = 1 to WScript.Arguments.Count - 1
A = WScript.Arguments(i): CLI = CLI & " " & A: If InStr(1, A, "microsoft-edge:", 1) Then: URL = A: End If: Next 

decode = Split(URL,"%"): u = 0: Do While u <= UBound(decode): If u <> 0 Then
char = Left(decode(u),2): If "&H" & Left(char,2) >= 128 Then
decode(u) = "": u = u + 1: char = char & Left(decode(u),2): If "&H" & Left(char,2) < 224 Then
u1 = Cint("&H" & Left(char,2)) Mod 32: u2 = Cint("&H" & Mid(char,3,2)) Mod 64: utf8 = ChrW(u2 + u1 * 64)
Else: decode(u) = "": u = u + 1: char = char & Left(decode(u),4): u1 = Cint("&H" & Left(char,2)) Mod 16
u2 = Cint("&H" & Mid(char,3,2)) Mod 32: u3 = Cint("&H" & Mid(char,5,2)) Mod 64: utf8 = ChrW(u3 + (u2 + u1 * 64) * 64): End If
Else: utf8 = Chr("&H" & char): End If: decode(u) = utf8 & Mid(decode(u),3)
End If: u = u + 1: Loop: URL = Trim(Join(decode,"")) ' stackoverflow . com /questions/17880395

On error resume next
Set W = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"): F = Split(URL,"://",2,1): If UBound(F) > 0 Then URL = F(1)
ProgID = W.RegRead("HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice\ProgID")
Choice = W.RegRead("HKCR\\" & ProgID & "\shell\open\command\\"): ProgID = W.RegRead("HKCR\MSEdgeMHT\shell\open\command\\")
If Instr(1,ProgID,Chr(34),1) Then ProgID = Split(ProgID,Chr(34))(1) Else ProgID = Split(ProgID,Chr(32))(1)
If Instr(1,Choice,ProgID,1) Then URL = "": End If: ProgID = Replace(ProgID,"msedge.exe","chredge.exe")
If URL = "" Then W.Run """" & ProgID & """ " & Trim(CLI), 1, False Else W.Run """https://" & URL & """", 1, False
' done

[io.file]::WriteAllText("$env:Temp\ChrEdgeFkOff.cmd",$ChrEdgeFkOff) >''
& "$env:Temp\ChrEdgeFkOff.cmd" install

## refresh explorer
kill -name 'sihost' -force

write-host -fore green @'
 (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($ffsetup,$firefox); start $firefox

} ; start -verb runas powershell -args "-nop -noe -c & {`n`n$($_Paste_in_Powershell-replace'"','\"')}"

@akuropka, can you show output of this marginally verbose variant?

Featyre commented 2 years ago

I am not them but I have the same problem, here is the output of the verbose variant

reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge Update /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft EdgeWebView /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge Update /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft EdgeWebView /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge Update /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft EdgeWebView /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge /f /v NoRemove
The operation completed successfully.
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge Update /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft EdgeWebView /f /v NoRemove
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.

    Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\103.0.1264.62\Installer

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----        16/07/2022   8:24 PM        3274144 setup.exe

    Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeCore\103.0.1264.62\Installer

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----        16/07/2022   8:24 PM        3274144 setup.exe
remove_appx MicrosoftEdge Win32WebViewHost
choice MicrosoftEdge
The operation completed successfully.

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.19041.844

Image Version: 10.0.19044.1826

The operation completed successfully.
The operation completed successfully.
The operation completed successfully.
The operation completed successfully.

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.19041.844

Image Version: 10.0.19044.1826

The operation completed successfully.
The operation completed successfully.
The operation completed successfully.
choice Win32WebViewHost
start -wait C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\103.0.1264.62\Installer\setup.exe -args --msedgewebview --uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall
start -wait C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeCore\103.0.1264.62\Installer\setup.exe -args --msedgewebview --uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall
start -wait C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\103.0.1264.62\Installer\setup.exe -args --msedge --uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall
start -wait C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeCore\103.0.1264.62\Installer\setup.exe -args --msedge --uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall


 (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($ffsetup,$firefox); start $firefox
AveYo commented 2 years ago

@Featyre, @akuropka
Try the just updated script - I have moved all reg operations behind cmd /c to prevent localization / quotes parsing issues

akuropka commented 1 year ago

@AveYo, I was running the script from https://github.com/AveYo/fox/commit/9d5a83142fb6a2dfd77e8e7d0ac07e8a0216942f and Edge does not start anymore. I am wondering if it is just disabled since it is still in the list of installed programs: 20221004_130253_explorer Edit: Removing the relevant Image File Execution Options leads to Edge just starting normally. Nothing seems to be removed... 😞 Also, files are still existent: 20221004_130006_explorer 20221004_130131_explorer 20221004_130144_explorer

AveYo commented 1 year ago

what is your windows build number? and I assume that's german localization?

akuropka commented 1 year ago

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22623.730] I can try English of that would be of help, language can be switched...