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Proposals for DApp ideas for the Aventus Protocol DApp Idea Competition
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FestPay - Your festival cash-less solution, with no top-up #18

Open JulienDeray opened 6 years ago

JulienDeray commented 6 years ago


FestPay provides to fest lovers an easy and secure way to purchase any kind of goods during a festival.


Nowadays, music festivals are more attractive than ever. They are a way for people to meet around the same passion during a few days, see awesome bands for - most of the time - a ridiculous price compared to individual concerts. It is also a time to share and forget about the daily life habits. But the kilometres walked every day make it hard for festival goers to organise themselves, especially when it comes to buying food, goodies, etc. This is why 31% of attendees want now RFID [1] included in their wristband to pay easily with a minimum of risks - Intellitix being the major actor in this sector.

But if the wristband is indeed provided by the organiser and is friction-less for the users, they still have to top-up a third-party managed « cash-less » account, which is too often made impossible by the bad network coverage or the heavy network load. The last solution is then to waste 2 hours of precious time in endless queues to top-up with machines.


FestPay eliminates the third-party - for the attendee - by allowing payments via RFID directly from a registered payment card. Top-ups are not required anymore and the identification provided by Aventus Protocol is here to make sure that people are not using stolen RFID devices.

Festival goers can then securely pay for drinks, food or merch without having to worry about the remaining amount they can spend before the next top-up.

This solution can obviously be extended to the ticket itself as a good. People could, for example, sell one day of their 3-day pass on the secondary market. But let’s keep it simple for now.

How it works

The client buys the ticket on the festival’s platform, made easy by an integration with FestPay. The identity and the used payment card are coupled to the buyer. On site, each festival goer gets a RFID wristband, itself coupled to the ticket.

The organisation and all the merchants on site are equipped with RFID readers linked to FestPay. A tap on the reader, plus an identity check (e.g facial recognition could be handy) triggers a payment in AVT to the merchant, directly converted from the user’s fiat payment card.

Value & Monetisation

FestPay takes a cut on all the transactions. Festival goers spend on average between £50 and £150 in goods on site [2].

Festivals are big, trendy events, that can welcome more than 100.000 people within a couple of days. Expose Aventus to this huge market could only bring good things as organisers often work very closely with the whole music industry. This is also a good way to demonstrate that the platform can handle a big amount of transactions in a short period of time.


[1] Festival Trends by the Numbers: 7 Stats to Know - Eventbrite US Blog [2] Festival spending soars, with Scots leading the way - Telegraph

annikamonari commented 6 years ago

This proposal has been approved.

annikamonari commented 6 years ago

@JulienDeray Please edit the top post to have your Ethereum address so we can give you your participation reward.