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Proposals for DApp ideas for the Aventus Protocol DApp Idea Competition
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xperius | the future of live entertainment #22

Open XperiusTeam opened 6 years ago

XperiusTeam commented 6 years ago

Ethereum Address: 0x55327fc095474ad0c4b8e40948cf1e4493057167




Smartphones at concerts are a huge deal. A 2015 poll commissioned by Ticketfly.com found that 31 percent of those 18 to 34 used their smartphones during at least half of concerts and other live events [1]. Meanwhile, artists are frustrated by the grainy images and streams of their sets being released online, as well as the general lack of presence or engagement from the audience.

Current solutions to the problem have taken an anti-technology approach, with Yondr creating a locking pouch for people to hold their phones in during performances, and Apple developing a patent that disables smartphone cameras remotely from the stage [2]. But current trends suggest that smartphones aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

This presents a unique opportunity for innovation. What if, instead of banning smartphones, we incorporated them into the live music experience? This is the idea behind xperius.




xperius is an event design and ticketing platform that allows performers and event organizers to create, control, and monetize interactive music experiences using smartphones. The solution addresses all aspects of the ticketing lifecycle: event creation, primary sales, and secondary sales.

How It Works

Event creators can use the design tool to enable four interactive smartphone features that primary ticket holders can unlock during a concert or a show. These features are:

Users unable to attend the show in-person may purchase secondary tickets to access live streams.

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Target Customers and Value Proposition

xperius customers are both performers and event organizers, as well as concert-goers.

Performers and event organizers can control which parts of their show are revealed to the outside world and which parts of their show users should be engaged in. xperius also enables the monetization of premium interactive experiences, increasing revenue beyond initial ticket sales.

For concert-goers, xperius provides a more playful, novel, and engaging experience. Consumers who attend shows can also earn tokens by sharing pre-set live streams in a choose-your-own-adventure view of the show. The result is decentralized music promotion and low-cost teasers that can peak even greater interest in the live event.

Lastly, xperius aims to give Aventus a competitive edge. Similar to purchasing IMAX tickets vs. regular tickets at the box office, xperius delivers an enhanced experience for concert-goers, benefiting the underlying ecosystem through increased traffic and perceived value.

Revenue Model

xperius has two major sources of revenue:


[1] http://www.tampabay.com/things-to-do/music/everyone-watches-live-concerts-through-cell-phones-can-it-be-stopped/2297950 [2] http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/07/05/483110284/lock-screen-at-these-music-shows-phones-go-in-a-pouch-and-dont-come-out

XperiusTeam commented 6 years ago

Note: Previous account was removed from public view. Re-submitted.

annikamonari commented 6 years ago

This proposal has been approved.