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[Performance] Convert() with chroma scale in single pass #354

Open DTL2020 opened 1 year ago

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

It looks I understand why AVS core op YV12 -> RGB32 with ConvertToRGB32() is not fully optimized:

The operation of ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12") ConvertToRGB32()

Is equal in speed to

ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12") ConvertToYV24() ConvertToRGB32()

So it looks very complex Convert() core functions is sometime a sequence of Convert() so make 2 or more close to full-frame RAM scan and so performance of YV12 -> ConvertToRGB32() is 2x slower in compare with BicubicResize of 2x size for UV planes. Also performance close to independent of resampler kernel (and support) used because memory transfer penalty is main limiting speed factor. Also it somehow visibly benefit from faster RAM hosts.

The really top performance YV12 to RGB32 SIMD function in single pass (3 RAM read streams and 1 write stream) is about the next:

  1. Make stream reading of Y,U,V planes parts in cacheline granularity and alignment to fill about 1/4..1/3 of registerfile of SIMD co-processor (of 512 8-bit bytes for AVX_x64 and 2048 8-bit bytes for AVX512_x64). Cached or uncached read streaming - depend on use case and current host architecture. It is user-side performance tuning setting.
  2. Make upsample 2x of U V planes in registerfile only (do not touch even L1D cache).
  3. Make dematrix and interleaving in registerfile only (do not touch even L1D cache).
  4. Prepare write stream of cacheline granularity and alignment and emit set of store instructions to flush prepared RGB32 dataset from registerfile to memory with single dataflow burst (of about 1/2 or more of registerfile sized). Using cached or uncached write streaming to host RAM - depend on use case and host architecture. It is user-side performance tuning setting.

So may be add some alternative single-pass higher performance Convert() functions for mostly frequent used colorspaces. May be using draft-quality resizer (point and bilinear). May be many users will not see great difference between bilinear and higher quality chroma upsampling (also even best upsampling linear methods still not perfect for bugged by design chroma subsampled compression systems) but will be more happy with much better performance of single-pass processing. Expecting performance benefit frrom single-pass YV12->RGB (interleaved) conversion may be > 2x.

Also as experiment add user-controllable option for high-performance filters about load and store cache control for tuning of performance of complex scripts (best setting may depend on frame size and cores/threads number and host RAM performance and cache size). Like params cl and cs (cache load and cache store). Or single param with bit fields 0,1,2,3. To make C-program text shorter it may be templated function with bool params for cache load and cache store (different intrinsics used for cached and uncached operations).

pinterf commented 1 year ago

In my opinion introducing cache control or thread and core number dependency is not something which should be introduced to Avisynth core just because of a YV12 to RGB32 conversion (or in general any other conversion). Way too special, and though it can be parameterized it may behave differently in each and every different (and real-world) script, memory type and processor configuration. I don't know how much percent could be gained in other than this artificial demo, but the complexity of the core is already big enough. I can image it only a separate plugin, as a tech demo.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

Yes - and second close question: How to make colorspace conversion plugin ? I tried to make some tech demo of single pass YV12 to RGB24 conversion but currently stuck at the creating RGB24 colorspace output:

Is it at GetFrame() or at plugin init somewhere ?

Trying to look into avsresize.cpp at https://github.com/TomArrow/avsresize/blob/master/avsresize/avsresize.cpp but still not understand where it is switched.

When trying to create new video frame with vi.pixel_type = CS_BGR24; PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);

The dst returned as RGB24 line size but VirtualDub crash at load script and avsmeter still display it is YV12 colorformat (as input). So how to make different colorspace at plugin output ?

I see a few plugins make colorformat conversion so it not very easy to find sample to modify.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

Well - the RGB-output plugin start working after setting vi.pixel_type= CS_RGBP8 in class constructor. But it turned was easier to start from Planar RGB output. Current tech demo of single pass and sort of point-resize for 2x upscale UV is https://github.com/DTL2020/ConvertYV12toRGB/blob/main/DecodeYV12toRGB.cpp .

And when I tried to request pointers to planar planes of RGB planar frame - it return good ptr for PLANAR_R and zero ptrs to PLANAR_G and PLANAR_B. The PLANAR_R_ALIGNED (and G B ) also not working. The only working solution was trial and error selecting integers as arguments: auto dstp_R = dst->GetWritePtr(4); auto dstp_G = dst->GetWritePtr(6); auto dstp_B = dst->GetWritePtr(2); Is it normal or I need to use some newer avisynth.h headers ? I typically take AVS headers from mvtools 2.7.45 repository.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

Example of YV12 to RGB32 (interleaved) single-pass AVX2-based decoding - https://github.com/DTL2020/ConvertYV12toRGB/releases/tag/0.0.3

It run about 6x times faster single threaded in compare with ConvertToRGB32(). Though still uses sort of point-resize for UV planes upscale (draft/preview quality). The better implementation may support some close to Bilinear/Bicubic UV resize for better quality (or may be AVX512 for larger registerfile and better performance). Multi-threaded typically very fast saturates poor PCs host RAM bandwidth so full-cores running typically not required. The 2 threads close to saturate 6 ch DDR4 Xeon-based workstation (about 500..600 fps of UHD 4K in RGB32).

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

Added control of load and store caching. https://github.com/DTL2020/ConvertYV12toRGB/releases/tag/0.2.1 . The load caching is hard to control to may be impossible (stream_load looks like required WC memory mode and it maybe not fast to switch with VirtualProtect ?). Adding prefetch with NTA hint ahead of current cacheline load sometime slightly helps and sometime make visibly slower (CPU-depend).

Stream store generally work very nice and about double store to RAM performance with many writing threads. Also help in the intermediate script process (readback from RAM looks like still faster cached store + cached load).

Example of AVSMeter at Xeon Gold 6134 (looks like 6ch of DDR4-2666 ?): 1thread cached store 256 fps, non-cached store 295 fps 2thread cached store 488 fps, non-cached store 596 fps 4thread cached store 694 fps, non-cached store 1175 fps 6thread cached store 760 fps, non-cached store 1570 fps (ConvertToRGB32 is 216 fps)

pinterf commented 1 year ago

You mentioned that "Though still uses sort of point-resize for UV planes upscale (draft/preview quality)". You could better match the original conversion process (for the sake of speed test) if you split it to explicitely use ConvertToYV24 first, then ConvertToRGB32. Then you can set ConvertToYV24 UV resizer parameter to PointResize.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

And when I tried to request pointers to planar planes of RGB planar frame - it return good ptr for PLANAR_R and zero ptrs to PLANAR_G and PLANAR_B. The PLANAR_R_ALIGNED (and G B ) also not working. The only working solution was trial and error selecting integers as arguments: auto dstp_R = dst->GetWritePtr(4); auto dstp_G = dst->GetWritePtr(6); auto dstp_B = dst->GetWritePtr(2); Is it normal or I need to use some newer avisynth.h headers ? I typically take AVS headers from mvtools 2.7.45 repository. I saw that you edited the original comment; is the issue mentioned above still a problem after changing vi.pixel_type to RGBP?

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

And when I tried to request pointers to planar planes of RGB planar frame - it return good ptr for PLANAR_R and zero ptrs to PLANAR_G and PLANAR_B. The PLANAR_R_ALIGNED (and G B ) also not working. The only working solution was trial and error selecting integers as arguments: auto dstp_R = dst->GetWritePtr(4); auto dstp_G = dst->GetWritePtr(6); auto dstp_B = dst->GetWritePtr(2); Is it normal or I need to use some newer avisynth.h headers ? I typically take AVS headers from mvtools 2.7.45 repository. I saw that you edited the original comment; is the issue mentioned above still a problem after changing vi.pixel_type to RGBP?

I not use planar RGB store now (looks no one need it) and with RGB32 format I also adjust integer param of GetWritePtr() manually to get right pointer to RGB32 frame buffer.

For RGB32 buffer working ptr is auto dstp_BGRA = dst->GetWritePtr(2);

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

You mentioned that "Though still uses sort of point-resize for UV planes upscale (draft/preview quality)". You could better match the original conversion process (for the sake of speed test) if you split it to explicitely use ConvertToYV24 first, then ConvertToRGB32. Then you can set ConvertToYV24 UV resizer parameter to PointResize.

At i3-9100T CPU (also 1ch of DDR4 RAM) ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12") ConvertToYV24(chromaresample="point") ConvertToRGB32() Prefetch(4) 65 fps

LoadPlugin("DecodeYV12toRGB.dll") ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12") DecodeYV12toRGB(threads=1, cl=true, cs=false) Prefetch(4) 320 fps (cl=false - 290 fps - less)

pinterf commented 1 year ago

And when I tried to request pointers to planar planes of RGB planar frame - it return good ptr for PLANAR_R and zero ptrs to PLANAR_G and PLANAR_B. The PLANAR_R_ALIGNED (and G B ) also not working. The only working solution was trial and error selecting integers as arguments: auto dstp_R = dst->GetWritePtr(4); auto dstp_G = dst->GetWritePtr(6); auto dstp_B = dst->GetWritePtr(2); Is it normal or I need to use some newer avisynth.h headers ? I typically take AVS headers from mvtools 2.7.45 repository. I saw that you edited the original comment; is the issue mentioned above still a problem after changing vi.pixel_type to RGBP?

I not use planar RGB store now (looks no one need it) and with RGB32 format I also adjust integer param of GetWritePtr() manually to get right pointer to RGB32 frame buffer.

For RGB32 buffer working ptr is auto dstp_BGRA = dst->GetWritePtr(2);

Hint: For non-planar (such as RGB32) colorspaces the convention is dst->GetWritePtr();, simply, without parameters. Same applies for GetPitch(), etc. Do not use fix numbers there.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

You mentioned that "Though still uses sort of point-resize for UV planes upscale (draft/preview quality)". You could better match the original conversion process (for the sake of speed test) if you split it to explicitely use ConvertToYV24 first, then ConvertToRGB32. Then you can set ConvertToYV24 UV resizer parameter to PointResize.

At i3-9100T CPU (also 1ch of DDR4 RAM) ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12") ConvertToYV24(chromaresample="point") ConvertToRGB32() Prefetch(4) 65 fps

LoadPlugin("DecodeYV12toRGB.dll") ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12") DecodeYV12toRGB(threads=1, cl=true, cs=false) Prefetch(4) 320 fps (cl=false - 290 fps - less)

Yep, nice 6x speed for this setup.

Anyway, what is the use case of this type of conversion?

pinterf commented 1 year ago

My benchmarks i7-11700

ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12")
DecodeYV12toRGB(threads=1, cl=true, cs=false)

# 110 base
# 572 true false
# 300 xxxx true
# 491 false false
pinterf commented 1 year ago

I checked that yv24 to rgb32 conversion is still sse2-only, now I simply dropped the same code to a separate avx2 path, and will get it work to use 256 bit ymm registers instead of 128 bit xmms. I expect it's gonna be a bit quicker, but not that much.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

Profiling of ConvertToRGB32 shows also some visible time in the C++ library (about 20% of time in the vcruntime140).

But if it make UV upsample and dematrix in the separate RAM scan - it will be significantly limited by RAM performance at 4K frame size and larger (when significant part of buffers to process not fit in L2/L3 cache). So it is good to make single-scan conversion functions for large frame sizes. At least supporting commonly used conversions like 4:4:4 and 4:2:0 with 8 and may be 16bit for HDR.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

And when I tried to request pointers to planar planes of RGB planar frame - it return good ptr for PLANAR_R and zero ptrs to PLANAR_G and PLANAR_B. The PLANAR_R_ALIGNED (and G B ) also not working. The only working solution was trial and error selecting integers as arguments: auto dstp_R = dst->GetWritePtr(4); auto dstp_G = dst->GetWritePtr(6); auto dstp_B = dst->GetWritePtr(2); Is it normal or I need to use some newer avisynth.h headers ? I typically take AVS headers from mvtools 2.7.45 repository. I saw that you edited the original comment; is the issue mentioned above still a problem after changing vi.pixel_type to RGBP?

I not use planar RGB store now (looks no one need it) and with RGB32 format I also adjust integer param of GetWritePtr() manually to get right pointer to RGB32 frame buffer. For RGB32 buffer working ptr is auto dstp_BGRA = dst->GetWritePtr(2);

Hint: For non-planar (such as RGB32) colorspaces the convention is dst->GetWritePtr();, simply, without parameters. Same applies for GetPitch(), etc. Do not use fix numbers there.

I tried it as first - it return zero ptr. AviSynth+ 3.7.3 (r3940, master, x86_64) (
dst->GetPitch(); is working OK.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

You mentioned that "Though still uses sort of point-resize for UV planes upscale (draft/preview quality)". You could better match the original conversion process (for the sake of speed test) if you split it to explicitely use ConvertToYV24 first, then ConvertToRGB32. Then you can set ConvertToYV24 UV resizer parameter to PointResize.

At i3-9100T CPU (also 1ch of DDR4 RAM) ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12") ConvertToYV24(chromaresample="point") ConvertToRGB32() Prefetch(4) 65 fps LoadPlugin("DecodeYV12toRGB.dll") ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12") DecodeYV12toRGB(threads=1, cl=true, cs=false) Prefetch(4) 320 fps (cl=false - 290 fps - less)

Yep, nice 6x speed for this setup.

Anyway, what is the use case of this type of conversion?

It was request by gispos at doom9 forum https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1986641#post1986641 - it looks he use it in the AVSpmod software to send frame to GDI to display. I not understand why he can not send YV12 or NV12 format to display accelerator but it looks RGB32 still used by some persons to send monitoring data to display. May be he can not do proper Win + DirectX (DirectDraw) programming to create window with some hardware accelerated YV12/NV12 decoding.

In a perfect world for users of poors PCs with old and slow memory it is expected some AVS core filter to prepare data in NV12 formatted for DMA to display accelerator (may require special rows start address alignment and row pitch) so display driver may program DMA engine to grab data from host RAM to accelerator in fastest way. But it require to design some Windows-oriented API to display accelerators (using GDI ? or DirectX highly recommended by Microsoft). Also may be finally some direct monitoring window draw from AVS core. With some user-control like window RECT().

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago


ColorBars(3840, 2160, pixel_type="YV12")
DecodeYV12toRGB(threads=1, cl=true, cs=false)

# 110 base
# 572 true false
# 300 xxxx true
# 491 false false

It looks in each family and generation intel change memory subsystem significantly (like auto hardware prefetchers tuning and may be cache design and other) so load caching skip may sometime helps and sometime make significant performance penalty - so it also param for fine tuning at each user compute host.

Also as I know for real money earning users of mining software sometime disable auto hardware prefetchers in intel chips (using kernel driver or service registers programing from ring3 ?) . But it affect all software running so may decrease performance of all other filters.

Intel may optimize the each chip generation for some marketing software pack currently at the market so it can not be tuned for all chips used with single setting.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

And when I tried to request pointers to planar planes of RGB planar frame - it return good ptr for PLANAR_R and zero ptrs to PLANAR_G and PLANAR_B. The PLANAR_R_ALIGNED (and G B ) also not working. The only working solution was trial and error selecting integers as arguments: auto dstp_R = dst->GetWritePtr(4); auto dstp_G = dst->GetWritePtr(6); auto dstp_B = dst->GetWritePtr(2); Is it normal or I need to use some newer avisynth.h headers ? I typically take AVS headers from mvtools 2.7.45 repository. I saw that you edited the original comment; is the issue mentioned above still a problem after changing vi.pixel_type to RGBP?

I not use planar RGB store now (looks no one need it) and with RGB32 format I also adjust integer param of GetWritePtr() manually to get right pointer to RGB32 frame buffer. For RGB32 buffer working ptr is auto dstp_BGRA = dst->GetWritePtr(2);

Hint: For non-planar (such as RGB32) colorspaces the convention is dst->GetWritePtr();, simply, without parameters. Same applies for GetPitch(), etc. Do not use fix numbers there.

I tried it as first - it return zero ptr. AviSynth+ 3.7.3 (r3940, master, x86_64) ( dst->GetPitch(); is working OK.

It must return a proper pointer. What happens if your parameter is PVideoFrame &dst (or PVideoFrame *dst ?), I suspect that GetWritePtr is returning a pointer only if the reference count is 1, but in this case you've 'cloned' the smart PVideoFrame pointer.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago
auto dstp_BGRA2 = &dst->GetWritePtr(); - compile error
auto dstp_BGRA2 = *dst->GetWritePtr(); - crash at execution

You can have a look into sources if I do something not good with this C++ stuff - https://github.com/DTL2020/ConvertYV12toRGB/blob/bd88a2b5be6c84bb5650860eafb14fa6a4ea2716/DecodeYV12toRGB.cpp#L127

pinterf commented 1 year ago

I mean not at the usage, but at the function parameter, no problem, I'm gonna try it out tomorrow if you won't succeed, (While I like auto as well, having explicitely specified type uint8_t * or BYTE * instead of auto would be more error-prone in this case)

gispos commented 1 year ago

Hello, hm... well then. AvsPmod is a bit older (20 years?) and is based on Python 2.7. I have been upgrading it for a few years. Most recently there was audio playback. Please have a look at these two videos, this is only a part of the features that I think are unique. https://vimeo.com/745543887 https://vimeo.com/795004734

There is a lot of love and work not only from me but also from the developers at that time.

DirectX Display should be very difficult to implement, AvsPmod is very extensive, many functions are based on existing. This function is used to draw. And as far as I know, the GDI can only process RGB data and is also CPU heavy.

if dc: hdc = dc.GetHDC() if size is None: w = self.DisplayWidth h = self.DisplayHeight else: w, h = size row_size = self.display_frame.get_row_size() if self.display_pitch == row_size: pBits = self.pBits else: buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self.display_pitch self.DisplayHeight) pBits = ctypes.pointer(buf) # GPo new ctypes.memmove(pBits, self.pBits, self.display_pitch (self.DisplayHeight - 1) + row_size)

DrawDibDraw(handleDib[0], hdc, offset[0], offset[1], w, h,
            self.pInfo, pBits, srcXY[0], srcXY[1], w, h, 0)

There is the Avisynth function BitBlt... which I find quite superfluous, because then I can use the WinApi right away.

I have a wish dream: Implement a BitBlt that can draw on a HDC direct without RGB conversion (if such a thing is possible).

pinterf commented 1 year ago

This commit 3c26fd5 can help a little bit. AVX2 code path to YV24->RGB32/24 conversion.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

This commit 3c26fd5 can help a little bit. AVX2 code path to YV24->RGB32/24 conversion.

I added comments to commit text directly. About AvsPmod frame display I think it is better to post comments into doom9 thread about it ?

gispos commented 1 year ago

Thanks to both of you, will take a look.

gispos commented 1 year ago

When will it be available? Next test version?

pinterf commented 1 year ago

I didn't plan a new build today, maybe you can check if someone build it until then.

I didn't have time to follow the doom9 conversation, but if I understand correctly, the final steps - before avspmod displays the result - are so time consuming, that they are comparable to the speed of the script itself?

pinterf commented 1 year ago

@DTL2020 I wondered how could you process so much pixels (64) at a time, but now I see that you stayed in the 16 bit integer domain when converting from YUV to RGB (and you were able to use _mm256_mullo_epi16). Quality-wise Avisynth is using a *8192 multiplier (13 bit integer arithmetic fractional precision) during calculation, thus the intermediate data of the matrix calculations must be extended into 32 bit register size during the process. That alone halves the available number of registers for storing the calculation results.

Neither your method is using rounding before shifting back 6 bits to have the real integer final values. That is another speed gain, but against quality.

So DecodeYV12toRGB cannot replace the original YUV->RGB conversion, and can only be used for monitoring purposes in present form. Which is still very good for just viewing the result of a YV12 clip in AvsPMod.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

" intermediate data of the matrix calculations must be extended into 32 bit register size during the process. That alone halves the available number of registers for storing the calculation results."

If AVX2 registerfile of 512 bytes is not enough to process 64 sample positions per pass - it can be redesigned to AVX512 registerfile of 2048 bytes. It will support both 32bit precision and 128 samples per SIMD pass. Or 256 samples with 16bit intermediate precision.

Also if 32bit intermediate precision is required - it can be redesigned to process 32 samples per pass with 32bit intermediates. Though I thought 16bit precision is enough.

So we can have some family or performance/quality balanced conversions in AVX2/AVX512.

The only reason I not plan to make AVX512 version very fast is because typically AVX2 2 threads/cores typically saturates 2ch DDR4/DDR5 cheap PCs and the AVX512 implementation will do it with 1 core/thread. But if high-performance and also high-32bit precision version required - it can be designed in AVX512.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

About precision with 8bit processing: It looks PC.709 (narrow range) matrix is somehow broken in AVS core -

With script ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") ConvertToYV12() ConvertToRGB32(chromaresample="point", matrix="PC.709")

Output for colours (R,G,B): Yellow 181, 180, 12 Cyan 12, 181, 180 Green 13, 181, 12 Magenta 183, 15, 184 Red 184, 15, 16 Blue 15, 16, 184

With full range (Rec709) conversion matrix the high and low (though low may be clipped to black) values run more evenly.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

Dunno, not very likely. Try doing the math manually, e.g. for blue. It's quite possible that the YUV representation of the colorbar cannot be so accurately given to have the exact RGB values in the result after the calculation.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

The poisondeathray comment at forum: Note that "PC matrices" are not quite the same thing as "Studio RGB", or "limited range RGB" used in broadcast or some NLE's

The equivalent way in avisynth as what's used a Studio RGB NLE (like vegas) for 8bit for that example above would be

ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") ConvertToYV12() Levels(0,1,255,16,235) ConvertToRGB32(chromaresample="point", matrix="rec709")

Y 180,179,16 C 16,181,179 G 16,179,14 M 179,16,181 R 180,16,17 B 15,16,180

So it looks for some unknown (?) reason the PC-matrix not really 'keep range unchanged' but require additional range compression at input to create really mapped to 16..235 narrow range RGB.

May be it is one more shadow of the past of AVS to keep compatibility with some other plugins and/or internals ?

Aditional Levels() make precision and performance lower - may be add one more single-filter 'matrix' to ConvertToRGB() to create 16..235 RGB from 16..235 standard YUV ?

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

"It's quite possible that the YUV representation of the colorbar cannot be so accurately given to have the exact RGB values in the result after the calculation."

My finally fixed in math version with 16bit only immediates make process of ColorBarsHD() color bars into narrow RGB fitting 15..17 low and 179..181 high code values - https://github.com/DTL2020/ConvertYUVtoRGB/releases/tag/0.4.0 . It really required -16 for Y in all cases and also division of all UVs additionally to 1.02283 (224/219) because in standard digital YUV the UV is not in the same scale as Y. So it mostly looks like some special matrix coefficients not prepared for 'keep range unchanged' in AVS core.

Also it looks for 8bit YUV the 16bit immediates is mostly enough and the standart narrow range of ColorBarsHD() in YV12 can not be decoded precisely to 16,180 because truncated to 8bit YUV already have some quantization nosie. May be only 10bit and more YUV can be converted to precise 16,180 8bit RGB. The 32bit integer immediate processing in YUV to RGB mostly required to handle 10..16 bit input/output.

Also one more widely used use case for ConvertToRGB32() found - it looks the VirtualDub plugins only support input/output in RGB32 so users must convert to RGB32 and back if use VD plugin in the script. So that issue with special narrow to narrow levels preparation required may cause addtional distortions in processing (if VD plugin expect all RGB to be aligned to black and white levels ?) if user not know about requirements.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

I tried 2 more plugins for convert: avsresize and fmtc - they both output equal RGB in narrow range and can accept feed from ColorBarsHD() in YV24 directly:
Y 180, 180, 16 C 16, 180, 179 G 16, 180, 15 M 180, 16, 181 R 180, 16, 17 B 16, 16, 180

So it looks only AVS internal 'narrow' matrix is something special and of lowest precision if even feed by 'double-narrow' 8bit YV24. It may be good to either fix current PC-matrix or keep it for compatibility (?) and add one more matrix for 'narrow RGB' with direct accepting of 'standard YUV' in 16..235 range.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

Regarding the PC.709.

http://avisynth.nl/index.php/Convert says: "PC.601 and PC.709 keep the range unchanged, instead of converting between 0-255 RGB and 16-235 YUV, as is the normal practice."

Let's see the following script:

ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") # "_ColorRange"=1 --> _limited
avs=x.ConvertToPlanarRGB(chromaresample="point", matrix="PC.709")
zimg=x.z_ConvertFormat(resample_filter="point", pixel_type="RGBP8", colorspace_op="709:709:709:l=>rgb:709:709")
zimg_auto=x.z_ConvertFormat(resample_filter="point", pixel_type="RGBP8", colorspace_op="709:709:709:auto=>rgb:709:709")
zimg_same_as_avs=x.z_ConvertFormat(resample_filter="point", pixel_type="RGBP8", colorspace_op="709:709:709:l=>rgb:709:709:l")
zimg_same_as_avs2=x.z_ConvertFormat(resample_filter="point", pixel_type="RGBP8", colorspace_op="709:709:709:f=>rgb:709:709:f")

avs = avs.propShow().SubTitle("Avs, plain PC.709. Keep range untouched",align=2)
zimg = zimg.propShow().SubTitle("zimg, PC.709, told that source is limited, target not sped'd (rgb full)",align=2)
zimg_auto = zimg_auto.propShow().SubTitle("zimg, PC.709, source limited/full: auto, target not sped'd (rgb full)",align=2)
zimg_same_as_avs = zimg_same_as_avs.propShow().SubTitle("zimg, PC.709, told that source is limited, target rgb limited",align=2)
zimg_same_as_avs2 = zimg_same_as_avs2.propShow().SubTitle("zimg, PC.709, told that source is full, target rgb is full",align=2)
orig = x.SubTitle("orig (ColorBarsHD, limited)",align=2).propShow().ConvertToPlanarRGB(chromaresample="point", matrix="PC.709") # just for the sake of properties



ColorbarsHD sets the _ColorRange property to 1 (limited = 1/full = 0). This is true.

zimg, when converting to RGB, defaults to RGB full-range, when we do not set the target color range. When zimg is told explicitely that the source (YUV) range = limited (or auto), and target (RGB) range is limited, then it gives the same result as Avisynth. When zimg is told explicitely that the source (YUV) range = full, and target (RGB) range is full, then it gives the same result as Avisynth. So matrix 709 is really invariant to the input's range, it sees byte values, do the matrix conversion and output byte values.

So when the source and target range is the same, then the bytes after conversion are the very same regardless of the limited/full setting. I don't know when zimg applies and deals with the extra limited->full conversion, but if range is not changed then it matches with Avisynth.

And this is where Avisynth has a small bug, I think. Not in the conversion matrix or calculation. But it sets the target frame property to "0-full" instead of leaving it as-is. Now, regardless of the input color range (which is limited:0 in our case) it sets it to full range to the result clip, instead of copying the input's _ColorRange value. EDIT: correct limited/full 0/1 mismatch

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago


It looks you not check the output values and only compare images on screen ? The main issue of PC.709 matrix is in its strangely low precision in compare with avsresize (and fmtc):

Test script is: LoadPlugin("avsresize.dll") ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") ConvertToRGB32(matrix="PC.709")

Output for colours (R,G,B): Yellow 181, 180, 12 Cyan 12, 181, 180 Green 13, 181, 12 Magenta 183, 15, 184 Red 184, 15, 16 Blue 15, 16, 184

It looks something like narrow/limited range, but low values (at Yellow/Cyan/Green) and highs (at Magenta/Red/Blue) are much more than +-1 LSB error from 180/16 .

If change to LoadPlugin("avsresize.dll") ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBP8",colorspace_op="709:709:709:l=>rgb:709:709:l")

The output RGB Y 180, 180, 16 C 16, 180, 179 G 16, 180, 15 M 180, 16, 181 R 180, 16, 17 B 16, 16, 180

Is in the +-1 LSB from expected ideal 180/16. So it looks PC.709 matrix is somehow not correctly build ? If AVS convert engine make calculation with high precision (32bit immediates ?) - why do we got such significant error ?

Here is example of correction: ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") ColorYUV(cont_u=-6, cont_v=-6) ConvertToRGB32(matrix="PC.709")

Now RGBs are Y 181,180,15 C 15,180,180 G 16,180,16 M 180,16,180 R 181,16,16 B 15,16,181

So it looks matrix coefficients for PC.709 (and may be other PC.X matrices) need to be checked and somehow adjusted. Currently dematrix to RGB performed with more errors in compare with other plugins and in compare with pre-corrected for saturation YUVs.

Same apply to rec.2020 matrix: LoadPlugin("avsresize.dll") ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YUV444P10") ConvertToPlanarRGB(matrix="Rec709") RGBAdjust(r=2,g=2,b=2,rb=-100,gb=-100,bb=-100) RGBAdjust(r=0.64223, g=0.64223, b=0.64223,rb=64, gb=64, bb=64) Crop(0,0,640,270) z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV444P10",colorspace_op="rgb:std-b67:2020:l=>2020:std-b67:2020:l") ConvertBits(8)



The ConvertToRGB32 RGB are: Y 181,181,12 C 13,181,182 G 13,181,14 M 183,15,184 R 183,15,16 B 16,16,185

avsresize RGB are: Y 181,181,16 C 16,180,181 G 16,180,17 M 180,16,181 R 180,16,17 B 16,16,181

With addition of ColorYUV(cont_u=-6, cont_v=-6) before ConvertToRGB32 the errors also become much lower. May be somewhere common error with UV scaling at dematrix for PC.x matrix calculation ?

pinterf commented 1 year ago

Yep, I look it visually, when range conversion happened, it was very visible, indeed.

However, now I compared z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBP8",colorspace_op="709:709:709:l=>rgb:709:709:l") and z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBP8",colorspace_op="709:709:709:f=>rgb:709:709:f")

They are different. The full->full z_ConvertFormat method is giving exactly the same values as Avisynth's PC.709 result for most colorbar entries. so I suppose, there is another conversion in the z_ConvertFormat chain, when PC.709 is given to a limited-in limited-out flow. I suppose matrices are good, we just need to know what exactly happens in this case.

(Regarding the 32 bit precision, the real precision is 13 fractional bits for YUV->RGB, which needs 32 bit integer intermediate. RGB to YUV is using 15 fractional bits)

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

It looks I found the error in design - in full_scale=true mode of matrix creation the ratio of Digital UV and Digital Y scale (224/219) was missed.

So patched function (in the convert_matrix.cpp) :

`static void BuildMatrix_Yuv2Rgb_core(double Kr, double Kb, int int_arith_shift, bool full_scale, int bits_per_pixel, ConversionMatrix& matrix) { int Sy, Suv, Oy; float Sy_f, Suv_f, Oy_f; float Suv_to_y = full_scale ? (219.0f / 224.0f) : 1;

if (bits_per_pixel <= 16) { Oy = full_scale ? 0 : (16 << (bits_per_pixel - 8)); Oy_f = (float)Oy; // for 16 bits

int ymin = (full_scale ? 0 : 16) << (bits_per_pixel - 8);
int max_pixel_value = (1 << bits_per_pixel) - 1;
int ymax = full_scale ? max_pixel_value : (235 << (bits_per_pixel - 8));
Sy = ymax - ymin;
Sy_f = (float)Sy;

int cmin = full_scale ? 0 : (16 << (bits_per_pixel - 8));
int cmax = full_scale ? max_pixel_value : (240 << (bits_per_pixel - 8));
Suv = (cmax - cmin) / 2;
Suv_f = (cmax - cmin) / 2.0f;

} else { Oy_f = full_scale ? 0.0f : (16.0f / 255.0f); Oy = full_scale ? 0 : 16; // n/a

Sy_f = full_scale ? c8tof(255) : (c8tof(235) - c8tof(16));
Suv_f = full_scale ? (0.5f - -0.5f) / 2 : (uv8tof(240) - uv8tof(16)) / 2;


/* Kr = {0.299, 0.2126} Kb = {0.114, 0.0722} Kg = 1 - Kr - Kb // {0.587, 0.7152} Srgb = 255 Sy = {219, 255} // { 235-16, 255-0 } Suv = {112, 127} // { (240-16)/2, (255-0)/2 } Oy = {16, 0} Ouv = 128

Y =(y-Oy)  / Sy                         // 0..1
U =(u-Ouv) / Suv                        //-1..1
V =(v-Ouv) / Suv

R = Y                  + V*(1-Kr)       // 0..1
G = Y - U*(1-Kb)*Kb/Kg - V*(1-Kr)*Kr/Kg
B = Y + U*(1-Kb)

r = R*Srgb                              // 0..255   0..65535
g = G*Srgb
b = B*Srgb


const double mulfac = double(1 << int_arith_shift); // integer aritmetic precision scale

const double Kg = 1. - Kr - Kb;

if (bits_per_pixel <= 16) { const int Srgb = (1 << bits_per_pixel) - 1; // 255; matrix.y_b = (int)(Srgb 1.000 mulfac / Sy + 0.5); //Y matrix.u_b = (int)(Srgb (1 - Kb) mulfac Suv_to_y / Suv + 0.5); //U matrix.v_b = (int)(Srgb 0.000 mulfac / Suv + 0.5); //V matrix.y_g = (int)(Srgb 1.000 mulfac / Sy + 0.5); matrix.u_g = (int)(Srgb (Kb - 1) Kb / Kg mulfac Suv_to_y / Suv + 0.5); matrix.v_g = (int)(Srgb (Kr - 1) Kr / Kg mulfac Suv_to_y / Suv + 0.5); matrix.y_r = (int)(Srgb 1.000 mulfac / Sy + 0.5); matrix.u_r = (int)(Srgb 0.000 mulfac / Suv + 0.5); matrix.v_r = (int)(Srgb (1 - Kr) mulfac Suv_to_y / Suv + 0.5); matrix.offset_y = -Oy; }

double Srgb_f = bits_per_pixel == 32 ? 1.0 : ((1 << bits_per_pixel) - 1); matrix.y_b_f = (float)(Srgb_f 1.000 / Sy_f); //Y matrix.u_b_f = (float)(Srgb_f (1 - Kb) Suv_to_y / Suv_f); //U matrix.v_b_f = (float)(Srgb_f 0.000 / Suv_f); //V matrix.y_g_f = (float)(Srgb_f 1.000 / Sy_f); matrix.u_g_f = (float)(Srgb_f (Kb - 1) Kb / Kg Suv_to_y / Suv_f); matrix.v_g_f = (float)(Srgb_f (Kr - 1) Kr / Kg Suv_to_y / Suv_f); matrix.y_r_f = (float)(Srgb_f 1.000 / Sy_f); matrix.u_r_f = (float)(Srgb_f 0.000 / Suv_f); matrix.v_r_f = (float)(Srgb_f (1 - Kr) * Suv_to_y / Suv_f); matrix.offset_y_f = -Oy_f; }`

Added float Suv_to_y = full_scale ? (219.0f / 224.0f) : 1; and its usage at uv multipliers calculation. It work with all 'PC.' matrices because in all 3 standards (601, 709 and 2020) the Digital UV have 224 multiplier (and 219 for Digital Y).

Now ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") ConvertToRGB32(matrix="PC.709") create RGB with +-1 LSB error from expected 180 high and 16 low.

Also may be same patch required for Rgb2yuv matrix calculation. Not checked yet the backward conversion.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

Good find, I was also just doing trial and error experiments, but did not find this one. O.K., now I just want to understand it. I'd also like to see how the other converters handle this case.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

The commented-out equations R = Y + V(1-Kr) // 0..1 G = Y - U(1-Kb)Kb/Kg - V(1-Kr)Kr/Kg B = Y + U(1-Kb)

only work correctly when all Y,U,V data in the same 'scale domain' . But in (some, 601/709/2020) Digital YUV standards the Y and UV data stored in different 'scale domains' integer numbers (may be to have lower quantization noise in UV data ?). So additional scale of 219/224 required before applying RGB equations. It looks was somehow implemented into full-RGB 'Rec709' (and other 'full') processing ways but was missed from rarely to use narrow/limited-RGB processing (PC.x matrices).

For RGB2YUV same fix is required (with reversed correction multiplier value to 224.0f / 219.0f) - `static void BuildMatrix_Rgb2Yuv_core(double Kr, double Kb, int int_arith_shift, bool full_scale, int bits_per_pixel, ConversionMatrix& matrix) { int Sy, Suv, Oy; float Sy_f, Suv_f, Oy_f; float Suv_to_y = full_scale ? (224.0f / 219.0f) : 1;

if (bits_per_pixel <= 16) { Oy = full_scale ? 0 : (16 << (bits_per_pixel - 8)); Oy_f = (float)Oy; // for 16 bits

int ymin = (full_scale ? 0 : 16) << (bits_per_pixel - 8);
int max_pixel_value = (1 << bits_per_pixel) - 1;
int ymax = full_scale ? max_pixel_value : (235 << (bits_per_pixel - 8));
Sy = ymax - ymin;
Sy_f = (float)Sy;

int cmin = full_scale ? 0 : (16 << (bits_per_pixel - 8));
int cmax = full_scale ? max_pixel_value : (240 << (bits_per_pixel - 8));
Suv = (cmax - cmin) / 2;
Suv_f = (cmax - cmin) / 2.0f;

} else { Oy_f = full_scale ? 0.0f : (16.0f / 255.0f); Oy = full_scale ? 0 : 16; // n/a

Sy_f = full_scale ? c8tof(255) : (c8tof(235) - c8tof(16));
Suv_f = full_scale ? (0.5f - -0.5f) / 2 : (uv8tof(240) - uv8tof(16)) / 2;


/* Kr = {0.299, 0.2126} Kb = {0.114, 0.0722} Kg = 1 - Kr - Kb // {0.587, 0.7152} Srgb = 255 Sy = {219, 255} // { 235-16, 255-0 } Suv = {112, 127} // { (240-16)/2, (255-0)/2 } Oy = {16, 0} Ouv = 128

R = r/Srgb                     // 0..1
G = g/Srgb
B = b*Srgb

Y = Kr*R + Kg*G + Kb*B         // 0..1
U = B - (Kr*R + Kg*G)/(1-Kb)   //-1..1
V = R - (Kg*G + Kb*B)/(1-Kr)

y = Y*Sy  + Oy                 // 16..235, 0..255
u = U*Suv + Ouv                // 16..240, 1..255
v = V*Suv + Ouv

*/ const int mulfac_int = 1 << int_arith_shift; const double mulfac = double(mulfac_int); // integer aritmetic precision scale

const double Kg = 1. - Kr - Kb;

if (bits_per_pixel <= 16) { const int Srgb = (1 << bits_per_pixel) - 1; // 255; matrix.y_b = (int)(Sy Kb mulfac / Srgb + 0.5); //B matrix.y_g = (int)(Sy Kg mulfac / Srgb + 0.5); //G matrix.y_r = (int)(Sy Kr mulfac / Srgb + 0.5); //R matrix.u_b = (int)(Suv mulfac Suv_to_y / Srgb + 0.5); matrix.u_g = (int)(Suv Kg / (Kb - 1) mulfac Suv_to_y / Srgb + 0.5); matrix.u_r = (int)(Suv Kr / (Kb - 1) mulfac Suv_to_y / Srgb + 0.5); matrix.v_b = (int)(Suv Kb / (Kr - 1) mulfac Suv_to_y / Srgb + 0.5); matrix.v_g = (int)(Suv Kg / (Kr - 1) mulfac Suv_to_y / Srgb + 0.5); matrix.v_r = (int)(Suv mulfac Suv_to_y / Srgb + 0.5);

matrix.offset_y = Oy;

// FIXME: do we need it to expand for the other u and v constants?
// anti overflow e.g. for 15 bits the sum must not exceed 32768
if (matrix.offset_y == 0 && matrix.y_g + matrix.y_r + matrix.y_b != mulfac_int)
  matrix.y_g = mulfac_int - (matrix.y_r + matrix.y_b);

// special precalculations for direct RGB to YUY2
double dku = Suv / (Srgb * (1.0 - Kb)) * mulfac;
double dkv = Suv / (Srgb * (1.0 - Kr)) * mulfac;
matrix.ku = (int)(dku + 0.5);
matrix.kv = (int)(dkv + 0.5);
matrix.ku_luma = -(int)(dku * Srgb / Sy + 0.5);
matrix.kv_luma = -(int)(dkv * Srgb / Sy + 0.5);


// for 16 bits, float is used, no unsigned 16 bit arithmetic double Srgb_f = bits_per_pixel == 32 ? 1.0 : ((1 << bits_per_pixel) - 1); matrix.y_b_f = (float)(Sy_f Kb / Srgb_f); //B matrix.y_g_f = (float)(Sy_f Kg / Srgb_f); //G matrix.y_r_f = (float)(Sy_f Kr / Srgb_f); //R matrix.u_b_f = (float)(Suv_f Suv_to_y / Srgb_f); matrix.u_g_f = (float)(Suv_f Kg / (Kb - 1) Suv_to_y / Srgb_f); matrix.u_r_f = (float)(Suv_f Kr / (Kb - 1) Suv_to_y / Srgb_f); matrix.v_b_f = (float)(Suv_f Kb / (Kr - 1) Suv_to_y / Srgb_f); matrix.v_g_f = (float)(Suv_f Kg / (Kr - 1) Suv_to_y / Srgb_f); matrix.v_r_f = (float)(Suv_f * Suv_to_y / Srgb_f); matrix.offset_y_f = Oy_f; }`

Not add to special toYVY2 yet - not tested.

Test script is ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec709") RGBAdjust(r=2,g=2,b=2,rb=-100,gb=-100,bb=-100) RGBAdjust(r=0.64314, g=0.64314, b=0.64314,rb=16, gb=16, bb=16) # to restore perfect 180/16 high/low narrow/limited RGB ConvertToYV24(matrix="PC.709") # must output close to ColorBarsHD(640, 480, pixel_type="YV24") YUV values

With fixed version the residual error in UV channels reduced from up to +-2 LSB to +-0..1 LSB.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

I don't know yet the logic behind the additional scale of 219/224 factor.

I changed Srgb (based on the logic of Sy and Suv) which must be 219 (235-16) for a limited RGB target.

const auto Srgb = (((1 << bits_per_pixel) - 1) * (full_scale_out ? 255.0 : 219) / 255.0 + 0.5); // was: constant 255 for 8 bit rgb output;

Plus the limited range +16 offset must be added back after the matrix multiplication to the final R, G and B.

Regarding the perfection; Now Cyan is 10 B4 B4 in Avisynth and 10 B4 B5 in zimg. At other bars they are equal to Avisynth or they are off by 1 lsb.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

It looks there are different ways possible to bring Y and UV to equal scale:

  1. Downscale UVs with 219/224.
  2. Upscale Y with 224/219.

Both ways will make equations for RGB from YUV working correctly (but with integer math may produce a bit different rounding errors), but will produce result with different range. Also the method with 224/219 shown in the ITU-R directly - for example https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.709-6-201506-I!!PDF-E.pdf - 3.5. - Computing of UV (D'cr D'cb) from D'r D'g D'b .

The source of 224 and 219 magic numbers is 3.4 in the same document https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.709-6-201506-I!!PDF-E.pdf - Quantization of analog RGB and YUV data and going into digital domain - the YUV domain data have different scale of 219 for Y and 224 for UV data in digital. As I compare these numbers are going the same from rec.601 to rec.2020 so can be set once (but must be re-checked for other possible systems ?).

About +16 - yes. In my version of converter I also come to way of making computing always with black at zero (signed integer bipolar data). So to make narrow/limited range RGB output it require to add +16 at the end.

The total computing in narrow/limited YUV to narrow/limited RGB looks like a bit overloaded with operations:

  1. We subtract 16 offset to bring Y from 16..235 to 0..219 range.
  2. We make 3x3 matrix multiplication + addition with 2 zero operations (one of the U V multiplications products for R and B always zero at the systems like 601/709/2020 - may be non-zero at other systems ?). Lines https://github.com/AviSynth/AviSynthPlus/blob/159bf1f501b283db76e5b81e06a476d06c362746/avs_core/convert/convert_matrix.cpp#L204 and https://github.com/AviSynth/AviSynthPlus/blob/159bf1f501b283db76e5b81e06a476d06c362746/avs_core/convert/convert_matrix.cpp#L209 Always produce zero coefficients (only rounder of 0.5 left). Not sure if this rounder really visible in output total matrix computing result.
  3. We need to add back +16 offset to output RGB to put back to 16..235 range.

It was idea using of 'matrix' transform can somehow make computing more simple (less operartions so faster ?).

The additional scale multiplier of 224/219 is really small enough of about 1.02283 so if it missed it may be not greatly visible in 8bit data but may give more visible errors with 16bit and float data.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

Maybe I'm going to reorganize the equations (http://avisynth.nl/index.php/Color_conversions) whether if the two methods are equivalent and bring us the same results, I guess, they are. Or if not, I'd like to understand, why.

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

Also some more thinking may required if processing 'full-YUV' data. Do it simply additionally scaled UVs to the same as Y (255/219) ? Centered at 128, so some UVs possible in 'narrow/limited YUV' are clipped to 0 and 255 ?

So in full-YUV the Digital UV is (224 (255/219) E'cr/cb + 128) * 2^(n-8) ?

The Digital quantized data looks like additional 'compression domain' (integer and unipolar) and to go into some abstract 0..1 (float ?) data domain (bipolar) for conversion it must be performed 'decompression' (using different scale for Y and UV) - next is matrix-like YUV to RGB (or back) and next is 'compression' back into quantized (integer and unipolar) domain (using different scale for Y and UV in case of YUV output).

I not good in computing math but may be that 3 steps processing may be somehow made more simple in computing using 'matrix' operation ? I currently not see the benefits of 'matrix' operation (using 2 zero redundant operations) over the 3 steps separated processing:

  1. Input pre-processing of incoming YUV to working-domain (bipolar YUV data with zero black Y and zero non-colored UVs)
  2. R,G,B computing without redundant zero coefficients for R and B (2 less mul+add operations in comapre with 3x3 matrix)
  3. Output post-processing to map abstract bipolar RGB data into required range (full or narrow/limited) with optional +RGB bias (or RGB gain for 'full' if it is not performed with coefficients scaling at step 2). With clamping to 0 and max_int.
pinterf commented 1 year ago

Luckily the final integer-arithmetic rounding (shifting right before returning to integer domain: +4096) can easily be extended to not only add the rounding but add (rounding and final offset). So there is no additional cost of returning to the limited RGB range. I just finished this parts (--> planar/packed rgbs, 8-14 bits, C, SSE2, SSE4.1, AVX2, uhhh), 16 bit planar is using floating point arithmetic inside, that's one more addition per channel (but I will template it to ignore the final zero addition when converting to full-range RGB, thus saving three floating point add_ps)

DTL2020 commented 1 year ago

" SSE2, SSE4.1, AVX2"

It looks it take more time to see commits so I hope you will implement processing with enough 'workunit size' for SIMD so it can use all possible speedups by design - superscalarity (several no-data dependant operations at several dispatch ports at parallel) and several equal operations with no-dependent data at Throughput rate (not at Latency).

" (shifting right before returning to integer domain: +4096) can easily be extended to not only add the rounding but add (rounding and final offset)"

It may be dangerous for integer overflow. Though typically required offset for output RGB is 16/255 is not large. But the YUV to RGB already have danger to overflow because as I read YUV color space is larger in compare of RGB and some valid 0..255 YUV triplets may produce significantly out of range RGB triplets. So may be in best case each implementation of integer YUV to RGB decode need to be tested at some simple YUV 3x(0..255) integers full triplets walking generator test program and to see if not overflow with data inversion occur somewhere at any input YUV triplet. Or it may be documented that high-precision implementation only work valid with some 'valid YUV to RGB' data. To handle all possible cases (addition of bias/offset +some 'out of range' YUV decoding to single output sum before final rounding shift may require to use lower multiplier and it cause lower precision of computing. As I see the most suffering from lowered precision with 32bit integer immediates are 10..14 bit computing modes ?

I not sure if ColorBarsHD test data generator cover all possible YUV triplets to decode.

So we may have some balance of performance/quality in processing program design - if implementation can handle all possible YUV data and with max possible precision of integer computing (using max possible multipliers) - it may require additional 'add offset' operation at the end so total performance may degrade a bit. Though as I see if SIMD program is designed with max usage of register file and all possible performance features of SIMD - it is already much faster and typically saturate RAM bandwidth very fast (until we do not have next-gen XeonMax-like general purpose compute platforms widely used with HBM RAM integrated).

pinterf commented 1 year ago

... not to mention MMX (yes!), cases to implement multiplied by supporting packed rgbs, planar rgb, along with YUY specialities. Lotlotlotlots of work, I could not finish with them in one full day.

Offset is never adjusted on 8 bit data, for 8-16 bit videos, its already 16-32 bit where this happens. Or even float, some parts of 16 bit input is using float inside because it either does not fit into integer arithmetic or it has so much overhead to do the "tricks" that float is much better.

The plus one step of beginning offset removal affects only "limited" RGB ranges. Adding back final offset has no performance penalty on integer-based internal calculations, it is simply done together with the "rounder".

Then there is establishing the input/output _ColorRange format: the source format can come from frame property / direct hint / assumed by being RGB or YUV / hint from matrix name (e.g. PC.xxx keeps the input range)

Then the same matrices and syntax is used in ConvertToY, GreyScale, with their own MMX/SSE2/SSE4.1/... routines. Then checking ColorYUV's PC->TV ... options and defaults.

pinterf commented 1 year ago

some valid 0..255 YUV triplets may produce significantly out of range RGB triplets.

This case was always handled of course.