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how to load nvim-lsp-installer plugin automatically when open ts / tsx files? #23

Closed ilaipi closed 2 years ago

ilaipi commented 2 years ago

I have install eslint & tsserver , but when open tsx files, I need to run PackerLoad nvim-lsp-installer to active lsp server

Avimitin commented 2 years ago

You can add typescript into this array: https://github.com/Avimitin/nvim/blob/master/lua/plugins/load.lua#L486. I don't know what tsx file type is. But you can see current file type by command :echo &filetype or :lua print(vim.bo.filetype).

I don't write frontend much so I don't add it as default.

ilaipi commented 2 years ago

Thanks, worked after add typescript and typescriptreact to ft config