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Sprint transition animation being skipped for unknown reason #130

Closed Avindr closed 1 year ago

Avindr commented 3 years ago




LudiKha commented 2 years ago

Looking into this again - I found a solution to my issue. The Calibration data I used had the stock MxM target anim data. When reassigning it with the custom one I'm using with the setup, the issues of getting stuck disappeared.

This could have something to do with the data being regenerated, but even when setting (roughly) the same values, the issues don't seem to crop up again.


EDIT: I spoke too soon - this only helped animations getting stuck mid-cycle as mentioned in another issue, but did nothing to fix the sprint transitions from standstill.

Avindr commented 2 years ago

So just checking I understand correctly, the issue of it selecting the wrong animation data is gone and now it's only a problem with skipping the spring transition from standstill? And you are using my animations for that particular case?

If you could provide a small cutdown reproduction of this then I would be grateful. It's near impossible for me to ascertain what is going on as I've tried to do everything I can think of in my own project to reproduce the behavior to no success. If I can dig into the execution path when this happens I'm sure I could resolve the issue.

Avindr commented 2 years ago

Also, could you send me a screenshot of the MxMTimeline (MM mode and Utility Mode) and AnimConfig window for the acceleration animations. I'm assuming they are already set up correctly but I just want to double check.

LudiKha commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the very late reply here. I've finally been able to dig deeper to find a clue as to what particular setting causes the issues to appear (see attachment)! In this instance, I'm only holding 'W' to go forward, but the inputs become disconnected from the chosen trajectory. animbug

I'd been gradually reapplying the animator settings until it started happening. This behaviour specifically started when I enabled 'Next pose tolerance', and set it to 0.5 distance and 5 angular. It didn't occur in the same way when the pose tolerance was at the default of 0.2 and 2.

How to reproduce

This should trigger a variety of erroneous behaviours (as depicted in the gif):

I'll try to provide you with a build and more info/screenshots. However the repro steps use the MocapAnimData that comes with MXM, so you should be able to reproduce it without any data from my end!


Avindr commented 1 year ago

This has now been fixed. The next pose tolerance test was looking at the incorrect 'next pose' which would sometimes cause the animation to get stuck.

The next pose tolerance test should now operate correctly.

LudiKha commented 1 year ago

Fantastic! Thanks for looking into this